
Obama presided over the largest decline in black wealth since civil rights movement began but sure get mad Bernie wanted to primary him for going too easy on the financial sector.

It’s the only thing we have. Would you take crutches away from sick child? 

I honestly think most of this is posturing and negotiation. I’m not sure how much longer the MCU money train will keep rolling but I see no reason Sony would want to get off nor do I see why Disney would want to rework things after so clearly laying the groundwork for Spiderman to have a major role in the MCU/Avengers

On top of that, doesn’t a morning news show seem sillier than pretty much any other type of news source? Fuck, even a blog seems more serious. 

Wait, is this show not a comedy?

what’d be really cool is siri integration (or just voice integration) for shortcuts

How come Zoe Saldana has to spend hours in a makeup chair to become green and Mark Ruffalo just puts on a spandex suit? Seems sexist to me. 

I don’t see what could possibly go wrong asking the nazis to create their own police force. Police wear blue uniforms so they’d have to pick another color... maybe hazel?

Most people are capable of intuitively driving at safe speeds. Going with the flow of traffic tends to be safer than rigidly adhering to speed limits and creating an obstruction to traffic flow. There’s nothing inherently unsafe about going 90 mph on a relatively empty interstate, the Autobahn seems to prove this

I haven’t seen Dr. Who but I’m informed this “Tardis” is only the size of telephone booth, so that doesn’t seem like one could fit too many Dr. Who episodes inside. 

Sorry if we’re replacing a candidate with a Timothy Olyphant character I wanna see Raylan Givens up on the stage

Josh Hawley is an absolute fuckhead but, on the other hand, autoplaying video is a fucking cancer.

Almost every law enforcement agency has a social media policy/contracts that basically say “don’t embarrass us” or we have the right to fire you. I mean, imagine this guy says AOC should be shot then he’s accused of excessive force by a leftist latino protester.

Yes, claiming large areas of land exclusively because they’re holy to you is bullshit. 

I would 100% support stuff that actually helped indigenous people, but all religious beliefs are dumb and stopping one more telescope when there are already 13 on the mountaintop seems a little bit too fucking late.

Now playing

According to Mark Hamill the original trilogy sword fighting choreography created by Bob Anderson (a master swordsman who choreographed some of Hollywood’s most memorable fight scenes) was much faster but Lucas saw it and said lightsabers couldn’t be wielded one-handed and weighed “40-50 lbs”

Be careful using your college email b/c you never know when they’ll turn it off. When I was in college I signed up for something at Coinbase where they gave you $10 of bitcoin if you signed up with an .edu email address. I then promptly graduated and forgot about it until bitcoin hit $20,000 and I couldn’t log into my

On one hand I think cracking down on Twitter would probably be better for society, on the other hand a very important part of my self-care is being able to tweet “guess you gotta wait until your 2nd wife is at least 36 before divorcing her for someone half her age you ratfaced fuck” to David Brooks every time he

What Mendoza Line is clearly trying to say is that concealed carrier gun owners are more heroic than cops or troops. 

There’s a radical difference between teaching high school kids forced to be in your classroom and college kids paying to be in class. The effort K-12 teachers have to put into getting their students “engaged” is orders of magnitude greater and not everyone is cut out for it, I certainly found I wasn’t.