
I certainly hope the IOC steps in with severe sanctions to send a message to the other countries that such greed and corruption, without the IOC officials getting their cut, simply will not be tolerated.

What is wrong with these people!? Who names their kid Lincoln?

Notre Dame players think that they can simply apoligize during the last minute of the game all their personal fouls will magically disappear.

Fuck precautions! Hurricanes are known for their predictability.

If this is true, I can’t believe he hasn’t come out yet. I mean, nothing screams “bastion of tolerance and understanding” like Green Bay, Wisconsin.

You look terrible and sound like a swarm of bees attacking.

“Not so tough when you’re outside your cars, are ya?”

America is going to be great again. The Great Smog, the Great Depression, the Great War... They’re all coming back. It’ll be great.

Hillary did not lose because of Bernie’s education plan.


No fair. Jerry Jones’ rigor mortis gives him an advantage.

Don’t you mean A Tribe Called Kvetch?

As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.

Ashley going to the Peggy Noonan/Tom Friedman Journalism By Talking To Randos School. I like it.

aka “first”

he can’t read yet

Andy Reid reaching into his pants to pull out his red challenge dildo

I’ll bet no one saw anything like this coming. Usually these public/private partnerships are great for both parties and a real positive for the surrounding community.