
Given his current campaign finances, maybe he should Spend less on candles.

you go to a junior collenge

Well, the fact that KC fans dress like this in 2016 should tell you something.

You have to be so, so bored to care about the Indians Logo, Redskins Name, etc...

It certainly didn’t help that Manfred referred to the meeting as a “powwow”.

Ben Bithop

“Aren’t you getting tired of these other nations embarrassing us?”

He then went on to discuss the advantages of a double reverse mortgage with the Tampa residents.

I know when I go into the voting booth I wonder what rich old men who made all their money off free labor would have me do.

So does this mean we are one step closer to the perfect pet, the cat snake?

So are we all going to go on Twitter and tell him he’s a strung out coke addict? I feel it’s the right thing to do.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

I was once given some sage advice on the internet and I will now share it with you, and I quote:

Find a corporate store. Take your phone in. Do not leave until you have a different phone in your hand. If Verizon sold an exploding device to you, they need to take it back. If you get to a manager, you might try throwing the term “strict product liability” around, which generally refers to the concept (under US law)

Mostly Cam got mad when some reporter referenced the Panthers as winless at 1-5.

Why wouldn’t he? His sensation and volume are great even after the surgery.

Honey? Have you seen my key to the Internet?... It's a card... It has a little gold thing thing on it. Someone wrote on it in Sharpie... I don't know why they wrote on it... Yes, that does seem like an odd thing to do. Please, honey, focus. Have you seen it? It's importa... No, I'm not being short with you....

But they were all of them deceived, for another card was made....