
The pigeon thermoregulation one looks like a badass album cover.

The problem with your logic is that right-of-center is mostly blue dog Democrat territory. And that the GOP refuses to acknowledge the huge disparity of wealth between blacks and whites as anything other than a result of black peoples’ own failures. Black people aren’t stupid, there’s a reason they vote overwhelmingly

Literally the entire point of the article is that they aren’t paying their fair share back into society. Also paying workers, training fees, insurance, and utilities isn’t “giving back,” it’s an equal exchange of currency for services.

I think there may be benefits to connecting lessons learned in history or science into math word problems, but this could have as easily been about the Underground Railroad or Civil Rights Marches. I hope it’s not a malicious act but the only other explanation is that it was a completely stupid and tone deaf one.

Smart of the Canadians to come up with a secret code to thwart Trump’s crack team of intelligence analyst from Breitbart and InfoWars (I assume).

Face... off?

I think the headline is a play on a Zoolander joke.

The thing that bothers me most is the walled-off nature of many devices. I get that it’s a hassle and profit loss for Amazon to write an API for a product made by Google or Apple, but I don’t want to be stuck with strictly Amazon or Amazon partner products. And it’s a totally solvable problem, all the major players

I know he went to school near Boston, but I can’t be sure.

yet you still clicked on the clickbait, so who’s the bigger fool?

I don’t know, it kind of looks terrible and sounds like a swarm of bees attacking.

It was illegal because they didn’t have the express written consent of the National Football League. Duh.

I think the funniest thing about all this is most of these right-wing assholes would tell you taxes are theft and property rights are inviolable but when Twitter decides to remove them from its property suddenly it’s tyranny.

That’s bullshit. Everyone is equal under the law. It’s one thing to let someone off for going 15-20 over on a highway, and cops regularly use their discretion to let non-law enforcement off. But doing double the posted speed would get any normal person arrested and their vehicle impounded.

The amounts the contestants had to wager at Final Jeopardy were $11,600; 9,600; & 24,000—so the 3rd contestant couldn’t be caught and likely wagered nothing (or almost nothing). The 1st contestant likely wagered at least $7,601 which would have given him $19,201 whereas the most the 2nd contestant could have won was

Shouldn’t we be asking: does this mean the knockout game is back!?

37% isn’t enough to form a majority government, though. One of the advantages of the multiparty system is parties that better represent constituents. For instance, imagine if instead of voting Republican religious voters voted for a Christian Democratic party that favored conservative social policy but was also

If you’re going to watch a version that was filmed and edited, why wouldn’t you just watch the original? Cutting in the bits with the audience was obviously meant to simulate the Rocky Horror midnight showing experience but it obviously falls flat. That might have been remedied by doing it live with the audience.

He blocked me when I replied “Bet you’re going to celebrate with a bunch of cocaine”