
If you’re such a big Pete Rose fan then why did you use a photo of Steve Martin for the article!?

The CIA recruits analysts heavily from history majors because it’s primarily training in analytical reasoning and critical thinking. Understanding the events that preceded and caused major historical events also tends to be very good training for analyzing current events and predicting future outcomes.

Well you didn’t actually say you aren’t. But mostly I was just trying to insult you because I thought you’re opinion was dumb and this is the internet.

So you could easily imagine your tubby ass being among the most elite athletes in the world playing at the highest level of sport but being black and British is too far? lol, okay.

Yeah, I guess it was the truck owner’s fault for leaving fish in the back in eagle country.


I’m pretty sure I know what my dog likes. But I’m positive I know what he doesn’t like and that’s wearing a contraption on his back. And thunder.

Cuba has the most cost-effective healthcare system in the world, it’s still far from the “best.” They don’t have the money to invest in newer technology but they do have excellent medical staff. They certainly make our healthcare system look decadent but if I suffered a traumatic injury I’d much rather be in the US

Was really expecting to hit a line where you mom made you move in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.

Please do Shimmer & Shine for the next one! The main character, Leah, is a normal girl who is friends with (owns?) two genies. Every time they grant her a wish she complains that it’s off in some manner and they apologize! I mean have some goddamn appreciation.

Even crazier is why anyone in fucking New Hampshire even thinks there’s anything in their state terrorists would find worth attacking?! Are they afraid of the Mt.Washington Cog Railway being hijacked?

Every four years I always forget how incredibly depressing it is when these early primary states put “real voters” under the microscope. These people are goddamn morons.

It doesn’t work, which is why the GOP is in such a state of disarray. For years, going back to the Southern Strategy, they’ve recognized that they can attract votes by preying on voters’ fears of “the other”—whether they be blacks or Hispanics or feminists or gays and transexuals. At the same time they’ve been

This is going to go a lot faster if you ask me what I wouldn’t fuck.

Refined gasoline also has an expiration date. There are additives that can prolong its shelf life but I’m not like a gas expert or anything.

I disagree. Why not have an RPG where combat works like an FPS but the underlying skills like sight picture stability, reload time, speed, stamina, etc. can provide small increases in your ability but not be so great that someone at lvl 1 can’t possibly kill someone at lvl 100? The RPG skill tree would also have a

I don’t know why he doesn’t hire a ghostwriter. It’s not like his style would be that hard to replicate. Then all he has to do is focus on the story elements and someone else can spend 8 hours writing two overly detailed paragraphs about armor or banquets.

I like Rehm. Her interviews are always pretty insightful and she has good guests. But goddam the caller questions are terrible and dumb.

All teens are dumb—that’s a universal truth. They don’t deserve to die because of it but many do. That said, these were especially dumb teens and I seriously doubt the world is that much worse off. Sort of like how it’s sad when the glue-huffing stoner dies in a DUI car wreck but also it’s not nearly as sad as when