He destroyed his knee in the 2003 National Championship game.
He destroyed his knee in the 2003 National Championship game.
As long as you don’t leave anything plugged into the charger when the car is off the draw from the charger alone shouldn’t be enough to deplete the battery. I have one in my car that has a small LED that stays lit and I’ve gone weeks without driving and not had an issue with the battery.
As long as you don’t leave anything plugged into the charger when the car is off the draw from the charger alone…
I’m not confident enough in my heterosexuality to call another man’s dangle beautiful, so good on you Barry.
Please never link to a video in which Stephen A. Smith says something I agree with again.
My favorite drummer is Brian Chippendale from Lightning Bolt. Maybe not the most technical drummer but goddam their shows are crazy and he also sings (usually with a microphone sewn into a luchadore mask). Check this out and watch for the stick flip at 1m39s.
“You missed.”
I think you mean Harry Crews.
The “health issues” were rumored to be banging an athletic department lady.
I’ve had a recurring dream since I had lice ONCE as a teenager. I dream I have rapidly growing pupae in my hair that grow from lice-sized to thick grubs that fall off my head and plop on my shoulders. The worst part is since my high school days my hairline has receded and I keep my hair close cut but in my dreams I…
I don’t think the Verizon plan is that much of a hassle. Instead of paying extra on your bill each month either put some cash in a jar or a savings account. If you don’t have the self control to save yourself, I suppose that’s a disadvantage but otherwise there’s no interest accruing so there’s no difference between…
An arm tackle at the waist is also one of the easiest to break, because the legs are free to spin away and the point of contact is still low enough not to throw off balance too much.
He’s either very corrupt or incredibly incompetent. One way or another the criticism is fair.
I think I have to stop reading these, I’m turning into a misanthrope because of these articles. That people this horrible can exist—I’m going to put as much carbon into the atmosphere as possible, not rewind my VHS tapes, and vote Trump for president. Fuck it all.
He’s a journeyman bullfighter, somebody has to lose to make the bulls’ records seem impressive.
My first experience with having my dick puked on was in high school. We were in a closet, trying to be sneaky because her parents were home. The girl I was dating was absolutely amazing, we experimented a lot and usually communicated well. That night, however, she decided she was going to try something she’d read guys…
Just imagine how high it’d go if it was on a treadmill. 😆
That’s bullshit and you’re putting words in my mouth. I NEVER insinuated transgender people’s issues weren’t real or worth treating. I said I think being dead or severely disabled and reliant on others for things like using the bathroom is worse than being denied sex reassignment surgery and I think most transgender…
While I agree with you on the ideal of single-payer healthcare coverage for all and an end to mass incarceration, realistically public healthcare funds are limited and overstretched. It is a zero sum game because there simply aren’t enough funds allocated to treat everyone that needs treatment. Essentially this means…