
I think different brands make similar versions but the BoreSnake trademark is Hoppe’s 9 Not that I think the brand matters, it’s just easier than the long metal stick method.

For gun cleaning I love Hoppe’s BoreSnake. Essentially you have to buy one for each size rifle/shotgun you have but I find it much quicker than kits where you have to screw on the bristle bit to the rod, then remove it and screw on the fuzzy bit or the bit that holds a gauze pad, then screw back on the bristle bit if

Less than $50 more a year to not have to watch shitty ads for products I don’t want? That’s a deal I’d take.

The games will probably be aired by the local affiliates anyway, though.

The government should build and maintain a fibre optic network and charge ISPs for access, allowing for consumer choice. Requiring each company to lay their own cable is excessively expensive and redundant. We don’t have separate phone lines or electrical grids for each provider, we don’t make airliners build their

Isn’t it possible it was attached to a larger, non-bouyant section of the wing and wrenched free by corrosion and oceanic currents?

Like I said, I know it’s hypocritical. But my line about the deer thrashing around with a severed spine wasn’t hypothetical. I hit one too high and it dropped instantly but was still very much alive. Maybe I was anthropomorphizing but looking in its eyes as I slit its throat to hasten its end I swear I saw fear,

You can use that and it will probably work out better than this method but all your chef friends won’t think you’re nearly as cool.

Personally I’ve decided I don’t like hunting. With a rifle it’s too easy and with a bow it’s too difficult but more than anything I don’t like being directly responsible for an animal’s suffering. I know I’m a hypocrite because I still eat meat, but it’s one thing to buy a package of meat at the grocery and completely

I don’t think the Verizon plan is that much of a hassle. Instead of paying extra on your bill each month either put some cash in a jar or a savings account. If you don’t have the self control to save yourself, I suppose that’s a disadvantage but otherwise there’s no interest accruing so there’s no difference between

That same argument could be used against Batman’s vigilantism in the first place, though.

This is probably a better argument than the video’s claim that he’s responsible for henchman dying (because he doesn’t save them I guess?). With Arkham’s revolving door his refusal to kill probably makes him culpable for thousands of deaths. The Punisher may have a few collateral kills but he doesn’t have near as much

An arm tackle at the waist is also one of the easiest to break, because the legs are free to spin away and the point of contact is still low enough not to throw off balance too much.

He’s either very corrupt or incredibly incompetent. One way or another the criticism is fair.

I think I have to stop reading these, I’m turning into a misanthrope because of these articles. That people this horrible can exist—I’m going to put as much carbon into the atmosphere as possible, not rewind my VHS tapes, and vote Trump for president. Fuck it all.

I don’t flip over any cards, I simply move them to a glass table.

I’d guess someone licking their phone is more of a master debater.

Pacino is the king of scene chewing.

I’ve been using it. It’s mediocre at best. Some of the playlists are good but sorting through them is a fucking hassle. If I want to see hip-hop/rap playlists featuring new music I have to scroll through playlists for Dr. Dre and Introduction to Public Enemy, etc. To be honest I just want it to be organized the way

He’s a journeyman bullfighter, somebody has to lose to make the bulls’ records seem impressive.