
I love David Simon, but Treme was boring. The characters were three dimensional and it felt real and believable but it was just so boring.

I recently watched Bandidas (I don’t know, it was on a premium cable channel) and Steve Zahn makes out with Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek for most of the movie, so he does know how to do some things right.

Jacksonville is pretty much all of Duval county, aside from a couple beach towns. If you go strictly by city limits it may be the largest in Florida but the Miami metro area has like 5 million people to Jacksonville’s 1 million.

Even if EA approached every player individually they still couldn’t accept compensation for the use of their likeness without violating NCAA student-athlete rules.

Don’t forget testicles. They self regulate their temperature by hanging lower or higher so when you’re hot it’s like carrying around two plums in a flesh tube sock between your legs. They stick to your leg and god help you if you accidentally sit on them. Also sometimes pubic hair gets caught in your foreskin (or even

Someone really has to re-explain Title IX to these guys.

Especially in a sport that’s about driving your car sideways.

Kind of frustrating but the last couple times I tried to use it it would take upwards of 5 minutes to connect to my PC library if it even worked at all. All my music is in Plex anyway, just wish their audio player was better.

I was terrified underneath the hood was just going to be a bunch of teeth.

This is the first I’ve ever heard of this conspiracy but I am 100% in. OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPLE.

That’s kind of the choice though, innit? Beta test the releases in lieu of paying or fork over cash.

Now playing

It’s not like it’s ever backfired before. (Skip to 5:20 mark)

I suppose if you were having sex with someone and using lube often you might be less annoyed and more interested. Then again you clicked an article so you could post a rant about how angry it made you then responded to almost every person who replied to you. Maybe next time just skip the articles you aren’t interested

Gawker’s new thing is for all their sites to have sub-sites with narrower focus. Throb is a sub-site of Gizmodo and they regularly cross-post articles to other Gawker Media sites if they think they have broader appeal (read: are about sex or cute animals).

I love American Pharoah, but we will all be in the cold hard ground before we see the likes of Secretariat again.

One issue may be that a centrifuge rotor failure in space could be catastrophic.

You know what made me cancel my Comcast TV subscription? They wanted to charge me $10 MORE a month just for HD in the year of our lord two-thousand-and-fucking-fifteen. Fuck those greedy bastards.

Sorry it was a rare opportunity for a you live with your mom/your mom is fat double whammy.

Is that because you live with your mom?

But it will be all that more believable when he catches fire and becomes the Human Torch.