
Why would you pass a bowling ball through your cervix when you're trying to have a baby?!?!

If you don't think America's hands are cleaner which country would rather face death penalty charges in: America or Saudi Arabia? I certainly oppose the death penalty in the US but if you honestly cannot see the difference between American and Saudi Arabian execution practices you need to be quiet until you've done

Sharp knives go down (you shouldn't put sharp knives in the dishwasher, it dulls them, but I usually put steak knives in) but spoons and forks and butter knives go business end facing up. If you only have a few things in the basket they'll get clean but if it gets too crowded there isn't enough force from the water

Then there are the questions of how Christie, who's previously been criticized for overusing a helicopter

Okay so I read a different article about these headphones and apparently they track your head movement so the source of the sound appears to be stationary as you move your head.

"But more than just a 3D virtualization of the kind we've seen before, the Neoh headphones create something closer to a virtual reality experience."

Yes, that's why fitness apparel isn't a billion dollar industry. I'm all about function over form but there's no reason this couldn't function AND look good. It's just a prototype so hopefully they'll address it so you don't look like Lobot from Star Wars.

Those pads on the side look goofy as shit.

Now I'm really pumped up... to watch a more exciting playoff game on a different network!

Aren't you worried about giving money to a site with dubious legality? I'm not saying they'll steal your credit card but won't this eventually be shut down?

What kind of league goes until week 16? Your fucking shitty league lost you the championship.

Kevin Spacey isn't really crippled, he's actually an alien named K-Pax.

No. The Ryan Reynold's Green Lantern probably killed the chance of any future movies and it would be such a waste to cast Idris Elba in one when Green Lantern is such a weak ass fsuperhero.

The problem is a lot of white people in this country (I would go so far as to say most white people) don't have any black friends. White people need to be just as loud about injustice and inequality so that their white friends without any black friends at the very least feel ashamed to air racist beliefs and hopefully

I think it makes sense as a physical connection to an increasingly, solely digital realm. There's a physical sensation to vinyl records or books that adds to the user experience. The digital unlocks for Amiibos provide incentive to people who either consciously or unconsciously miss that physical sensation. I could

I don't know why football is so tech adverse. Coaches should either be able to call timeouts and challenges* over radio or with some sort of remote. [*There shouldn't be challenges, tho—there should be three refs who continuously review footage and can overrule the on field refs with a unanimous decision.] Also the

Pfft. He too soft.

Yeah but it's hard to scream when your lungs are full of water.

You can't really hear anyone drown underwater either.