
I've always thought (hoped) it was a collective of artists. I didn't read anything in the CityLab article to convince me Banksy is a singular woman, though.

Spoiler alert! You have to cut out the butthole.

I don't think anyone is saying that this isn't the future of e-readers, they're just saying the cost/benefit isn't there yet.

It seems really unfair that the NFL can make a league-wide endorsement deal which overrules preexisting individual endorsement deals. The owners are already making the most money, at the very least those with preexisting endorsement deals shouldn't be grandfathered in.

Turns out I think Harris is innocent now! Suck it, Driskell!

As a Gator fan I spent the whole game thinking "If only we had our accused rapists!" so it's just shitty feelings all around.

Look, we here at the NCAA understand your anger but you have to understand how seriously we take such violations. The student-athlete title underlies all our profits and we simply can't allow our players to engage in such crass endangerment of our potential profit margin. Also rape is bad, I guess?

As a Gator fan I don't know what to think. I'm sure losing to LSU will clarify things for me.

It's not a false accusation. If you get a takedown notice for something you're certain isn't infringing on copyright then you just ignore it. If the group that sent the takedown notice pursues legal action b/c you didn't take it down then you go to court and win the case plus the cost of your legal fees.

Still, most subway tunnels are in America's most densely populated cities. Once one company starts doing it they all will but American telecom companies do have a habit of providing as little as possible b/c that's how capitalism works.

But to answer his question, no, Chromecasting is not supported by the Amazon Instant Video app. (Essentially in each app a "Chromecast" icon appears, allowing you to cast the video to a Chromecast-connected TV if you so choose.) Spotify isn't supported either, frustratingly.


The punishment isn't for yelling "fuck her right in the pussy" in a crowded area of campus, it's for continuing to draw negative press. Because the NCAA can't keep up the facade of the noble student-athlete when they're giving the Heisman to the biggest fucking moron alive. You would think that someone who got away

You've never had to explain to your parents how to use an iPhone. Trust me, it's not oversimplified where people 50+ are concerned.

It does if you happen to buy a not so ubiquitous Android and none of your apps work properly b/c your phone isn't supported. Maybe my aversion has to do with PC driver issues over the years but I like knowing my model phone is going to be supported until it's well past its average lifespan.

I don't buy iPhones because of the hardware specs, I buy it because the platform has, for the most part, been problem free. It doesn't suffer from Android's OS fragmentation and while it's not as customizable I would say the iPhone is more reliable. Plus I've sunk at least $100 in the App Store. I'm going to buy it,

I just moved to Logan Square in Chicago, a previously Hispanic working-class neighborhood that's comparable to Brooklyn-a-decade-ago now; populated by middle-income young whites who will soon be displaced by wealthy white families. It's a little weird. There's definitely white-guilt when I see Hispanic residents

It checks out.

I'm not an early adopter but I've been playing WWII flight sims since Air Warrior III and War Birds ("Drop the drunks!"). I cannot fucking wait until VR hits mainstream. I'll probably become a recluse playing whatever massively multiplayer WWII flight sim is the most popular.