
To me, the more important information is that dark skinned people should be cautious about sun exposure. That dark skinned people are likelier to be worse off socio-economically is surely a valid point but it's really getting away from the point of the post which is that the UV rays are dangerous and we should all

Yeah but I mean, it's just a blog post not the New England Journal of Medicine.

In my opinion, Cowboy Bebop and FLCL were the only two anime series I've ever seen to perfectly nail the score. Maybe it's b/c so much of the music in anime is just terrible.

Yeah but that potato chip bag was at Cipriani when Orlando Bloom punched Justin Bieber so you KNOW it's got all the juicy details.

Some poor bastard with a tiny penis and shaved pubes is gonna get his door busted down.

I hope by reboot they mean they plan to stick to the same ghost-fighting premise but not stick too closely to the original. Also Kristen Wiig would make a good Egon character.

Edibles are a very poor way to use marijuana for the inexperienced. Two inexperienced people eating the same dose could react very differently and it probably has more to do with physiology and psychology than the product.

It seems like the simple fix would be to require that each dose is individually wrapped, no?

I'm Southern and I was raised to be a gentleman, but I'm also liberal and a feminist. I always pay for the first couple dates, open doors, share my jacket, listen well, draw cute cartoons of baby animals, etc. So I think I'm pretty good at wooing without being a creep. But where I really excel is being terrified about

Oh my god Two and Half Men would be so amazing if it turned into an absurdist comedy about two men who slowly come to realize through a sham marriage that their hyperheterosexuality and goofy antics are just a cover for their deeply repressed homosexual desires.

You're discounting the goodwill that earns a team with potential players. If you're a star forward in your prime looking for a place that will take care of you the Red Wings have a little more credibility.

That the Germans attempted to systematically exterminate an entire race is definitely the biggest factor in their hesitation to embrace nationalism is obvious. But the point still stands. Shouldn't Americans feel at least a fraction of that guilt for the sectarian massacres in Iraq if not for the American blood

Do you not see the irony in claiming that the Germans bought nationalist propaganda that they were the best "hook, line, and sinker" while Americans routinely pronounce their country the greatest and American exceptionalism is endorsed by most politicians? The author's point is that the Germany's defeat in WWII has

As an aside, can anyone tell me what font this is?

Street fights aren't legal anyway; you're either lawfully defending yourself or assaulting someone. But a world champion boxer would likely receive more severe criminal charges for punching someone unlawfully than a regular person.

Man, they're taking their dives waaay too far now.

There's a story, maybe apocryphal, that Vikings traded with Natives in Newfoundland and the next day they returned and attacked the encampment. Some theorize that the Natives traded their goods for the Vikings' cheeses and milk which made the Natives horrible sick because they were lactose intolerant and, thinking