
As a man I'd just like to say: You're welcome, women.

Oh man someone is getting some really mean text messages.

It's a great investment. I imagine NFL owners will just keep selling the plot back and forth to each other. Forever. ))<>((

How can you make fun of people from Alabama by saying they don't understand English when the guy speaking is also from Alabama? It's madness!!

It doesn't work because Winston is from Alabama.

This would be an amazing way to hide secret files. Put something inert in the jar and stick it on a shelf and it looks like a decoration.

I just want to dig my nails into it and scream, "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?!?!"

That website works if you type in any celebrities name, try justin-bieber or kanye-west or katy-perry.

It's like when my dad taught me to drive with hot coffee on the dashboard.

Now playing

Yeah, you can get a better idea of it from this video

What were the three federal agencies he was going to eliminate again?

The thing is, Preacher is going to piss off anyone that's ever complained to a network's standards and practice division even in its mildest form. They might as well push the envelope (though I don't think even HBO or Showtime would go so far as to remain truly loyal to the comic, if it were a movie the MPAA would

Also taking a soccer ball to the nuts hurts.

The problem with harsh sentencing is that while it seems to make sense, it doesn't. The US has been enacting harsher and harsher sentencing laws but all we've done is increase the prison population. Criminals rarely consider the consequences of their actions, we'd be better off if instead of spending huge sums

Fortunately the Dolphins have announced signing a previously unknown lineman, Dick Undercover.

Pfft... Mickey Mouse antics.

Well, at least Shahid Khan will have one team in London not at risk of being relegated (even though both suck).

It clearly was meant to say "In Schenectady" due to the MLBs new neutral site in cities with funny names policy.

Clicked hoping to see a video of a lady falling down.

I just like when people look at my dick.