
Star this man now!

The problem is with outsourcing. The problem is that government contracting for software is backwards, the government pays for the product before it's created. The contracted software company doesn't have any incentive to make the program really good, they half-ass production and do the bare minimum knowing they can

Now the only thing I really want is the ability to delete single photos out of the Photo Stream. Say you take a dick pic to send to your sweetheart, the only way to get it out of Photo Stream now is to disable it on your iCloud account and then turn off Photo Stream on every iOS device you have that's synced.

Here's what DNA results look like using 16 markers. The value for each marker falls within a different numerical range and each marker has two values, one from each parent. The science behind it is pretty cool and the machine that extracts the results is ridiculously complicated and very precise. But you can see how

I think what was really helpful for me when I started cooking was I would measure out a 1/4 tsp, tbsp, whatever and then throw it in my hand. You start to see and feel how much each measurement is and from then on you hardly ever need measuring spoons. But you're exactly right, especially in cooking (more so than

You should clarify that by "powdered cellulose" you mean sawdust, basically.

I was going to say! If your valet doesn't do this for you, you should fire him!

Brawndo's got electrolytes.

You'd think at this point every Gizmodo employee would be out trolling bars near Cupertino instead of writing articles speculating on what it might look like.

I disagree almost entirely. The purpose of social networks is to socialize with people you know, to facilitate better communication and interactivity amongst your friends and family. Why would the closeted teen, the whistle blower, the dissident, or the battered wife seek help on Facebook where he or she is already

This sounds like it's almost more of a parental control feature. Like a parent wouldn't let their 11-year old play a MMO game, but many aspects of an MMO could be put into a singleplayer game that occurs in a multiplayer universe where users can control who they play with so random assholes aren't able to insult,

It's kind of a stupid quote. Like saying, "Controls will always matter" or "Level design will always matter." Of course it will matter, but does it matter most? I'd much rather game devs come up with interesting, unique, and fun gameplay and skimp on the graphics some rather than max out the graphics but deliver a

I think you have that backwards, unless you really think graphics are more important than gameplay? Who wants to play a beautiful game that frustrates the hell out of you because the gameplay is shoddy?

I don't even know what you're talking about.

Finally, racists can enjoy

LA again? How about another GTA London: 1969? Think of all the wonderful crime and heist movies set in 1960-70s Europe it could draw from. Rififi, Le Samouraï, Get Carter, The Italian Job, Band of Outsiders, Perfect Friday, etc. If they got Michael Caine to voice the main character I'd pay double.

It's not, go to :07 and it's very hard to read but it's there. It updates the list as the URL is typed in.

And they said my degree in sadistic scatological demasculinized sexuality was useless!