
I feel bad for this person but I can't help but think that after committing crimes to afford gender reassignment surgery she probably doesn't deserve to have the state pay for her surgery. There are lots of other transgendered people who are unable to afford the costly medical treatment but most of them either scrimp

I think she's confusing Guatemalans today with the Aztecs' reactions to Cortés in the 16th century.

Finally, America can dominate the imaginary products market. It brings a whole new meaning to the American Dream (the dream is all you get).

People had not forgotten but I think this was supposed to be Gibson's quirky comeback role. I mean, if anyone could charm their way out of a scandal by playing a neurotic yet loveable anti-hero it's Gibson. But threatening to bury the mother of your child in a rose garden is a bit harder to overcome.

They were filming reshoots when the phone tapes came out, so the film was planned and shot well before he was especially notorious (if you overlook his previous comments which most people had).

Whoa, I was just talking about from an editorial standpoint.

Why wouldn't they just run a related picture or not run a picture at all?

In a third world country you'd be lucky to get penicillin, let alone an MRI. That doesn't mean I'm not going to raise hell if my doctor doesn't order an MRI when I need one.

I was wondering about that. I read some buzz about him on music blogs and so I got his album and I was like, "You gotta be fucking kidding me."

Oh no you didn't—- oh...

Probably cost effective or cost neutral. They'll probably be using some sort of automated paper scanner that can read barcodes as the tickets start to amass when they move up the chain of command, too- so that will cut down on costs greatly.

I'd be really surprised if the study didn't control for this, I'm guessing participants were placed into groups, given the treatment, and then tested. How many people who can afford botox participate in clinical studies?

I don't think the number of teens in high school who identify as transgendered is likely that high. Numbers aren't firm but the highest estimates range from 1 in 500 to 1 in 2,500 people identifying as transgendered in the entire population, numbers among high school students are likely to be much lower. Like I said,

I'm not saying they're not important but it's likely including trans teens in high school would be statistically irrelevant.

I took an online quiz that said my IQ was 178.

Working in government most of the email disclaimers I read are a warning about emails being subject to open records requests. Oddly enough, there are some confidentiality notices, too but emails containing sensitive data would either be redacted or not released.

With voice activation and other controls integrated into steering wheels it may be difficult to separate. But ultimately mp3s aren't the only way, as cell phones get more complicated bluetooth or it's successor could become a vulnerability.

There are different mechanisms in the brain for recognizing faces and objects. If I understand correctly Sacks can recognize that a person has a face but some sort of disorder prevents him from connecting the features of that face to the memory of a person. There is a person documented in "The Man Who Mistook His Wife