
Wow, when I read "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" I never knew Sacks suffered from a neurological disorder.

Unless you are sleeping on the basement floor, a spider might wander onto your bed as often as twice a year.

How horrible... who would actually admit to liking U2 anymore?

@Thatcornellguy: It's win/win for O'Reilly. Either she agrees with him and he can delude himself into believing he's influencing young people or she disagrees with him and he makes her look like an idiot when she can't back up her claims or rebut his (i.e. "the tide, how does that work?").

Fun fact: When a girl turns me down for a date I hire Jesse Walters to ambush her with a camera and ask her why she hates America. You may think it's pathetic, but after the fifth or sixth time I sic Jesse on them I either get a date or restraining order.

@Manly McBeeferton: The taxis pull into the cyclist lanes to pick up fares, hence the whole point of the Tunnel Taxi.

"This is for all the Tostitos!" I love it when they use product placement!

And the game comes down to a 10 yard field goal attempt! THE MOST EXCITING PLAY IN FOOTBALL!

@Canabian: That's what you get when you hire a University of Phoenix graduate with a degree in lawn maintenance.

@CharmeleonWithAttitude: He made up for, he just threw a block for Oregon.

@pancakes_4_your_face: I know, I was surprised at how disturbing that photo is and how the recreation is only slightly less creepy.

And have John Gosselin raise the children? For shame Bill O'Reilly, for shame.

@xd.Balls: Honestly, I don't know. That's why I'm starred at Gawker and not here. All I know is that in the torrents files "read me" file they included a list of easy passwords and went on to say that if the reader/downloader wished they could brute force the other passwords themselves, leading me to believe it's a

@xd.Balls: The last I heard they were only able to brute force the easiest passwords. All but the highest level encryption is crackable- in this case the encryption gave Gawker time to alert it's users of the breach and have them change their passwords and prevent all of the passwords from being released en masse.

@Les Mikesell: I don't think it's unreasonable for an ISP to have trouble adapting to new trends in bandwidth usage. I was only stating that the response in itself wasn't unreasonable, say if Comcast were a small ISP barely turning a profit, and that it's only unreasonable because Comcast has greedily hoarded profits

Comcast's response makes sense, if one provider pushes an excessive amount of data on to your network so that it interrupts or impedes other providers something must be done.

@Bubs: It's not photoshopped, well, I'm sure the sepia tone is, but it's part of Dodge's ad campaign for the Challenger. Those are actors dressed up like George Washington and Continental soldiers.

I'm going to come out and say it; good. Most people who call themselves DJs suck. I mean, mixing two parts of two different songs isn't really a talent, is it? Go make a fucking beat then I'll be impressed. And you'll need a laptop for that, not a turntable.

@Myrna_Minkoff: Okay, she gets what she wants but we also get what we want; feeling morally superior than celebutards. I mean, by your logic, you shouldn't have even clicked on this page, let alone commented.