
@Myrna_Minkoff: Kind of but not really. That's like saying photoshopping works because Jezebel regularly writes about terrible photoshopping in magazines. I mean, she got press which is her goal, I suppose, but the message isn't what she wanted.

@Yash!: But it would be great for certain movies. Like Amélie or some kind of whimsical, teary-eyed movie.

Why does Heidi Montag's IED have to be fake? Maybe at a The Hills reunion, too?

@Live_axle: If she hadn't been nearly decapitated and just the car was damaged I'm sure the movie's insurance would have covered it.

@Nablial: What are you talking about? Both Japan and China (and Korea) use sinograms.

@badasscat: I enjoy Myth Busters, but it's not going to carry water under peer review. It's not like these scientist claimed to "discover" anything, they just scientifically proved something that was largely common knowledge. It's a necessary step if they now want to look at the chemical biology that makes this occur.

@goldandguns: There's actually nothing wrong with ending a sentence with a preposition, it's simply a stylistic matter.

Scull electrodes? Like for my racing boat?

I know the average age of a Fox News viewer is 65, but this seems like an ill-advised way to reach a younger audience.

It won't be pretty when 4chan hijacks this.

@Hairy Putter: Hyperrealist can probably paint better than Da Vinci, but they do have much better technology and not quite as much flair.

@sip: Forget it Jake, it's Spain... town. (Doesn't have the same ring.)

@coldcaption: It's taped to a moving blanket in a freight elevator most likely.

@Cardbross: I work in law enforcement in a support position and even though I'm not sworn or anything some of my emails still contain a lot of sensitive information. This is compounded by the fact that most of my emails are also subject to public records requests. The records people do their best to keep sensitive

I bought a Dell XPS desktop a couple years ago, thinking it would be easier than building my own and I could always upgrade it. It's a fucking BTX form motherboard. It's on the wrong fucking side of the case. Why the fuck would anyone do this?

@Kaiser-Machead: Nowhere near as old as heavy, blunt objects to the head.

Well, we can't all find ours at a bar.