
@Sir Gibler: I think the problem is that your phone is still set to route data through AT&T's servers. So, yes, the data is going through your home connection but your phone settings still send the data to AT&T's servers because it treats the microcell just like a tower.

@hutch_a_butch: Dan Bunting, senior producer at Treyarch, beginning of eighth paragraph.

@BeckyIva: Then again, it's sort of judging people on a choice and not appearance. No one is born with a tattoo on their forehead.

I try not to judge people based on appearances, but I'll never be able to see anyone with a tattoo on their neck and forehead as anything but white trash. And it's not like I think tattoos are trashy, but I mean, on your face?

@samarkand: Well, it's especially prevalent with the BBC since they're a publicly funded network. The laws in the UK allow them to use copyrighted materials for less than fair market cost, but only when it airs in the UK. A separate contract must be negotiated when airing the product internationally or on DVD.

Don't most proxies limit speed and make internet TV prohibitive?

@Lou: I don't know if starring in an advertisement that highlights his personal story constitutes an endorsement of all of Focus on the Family's views. Likely, they approached him with a script in hand and he agreed. I haven't seen the ad, though, so I don't know if it's an advertisement for Focus on the Family's

@EkaterinaBallerina: Tebow's merits as an athlete have been in question. Most wonder if he can be effective in the NFL. In fact, I don't believe he was entirely convinced to enter the draft because of that fact and was only swayed to do so because his position as a professional athlete will allow him to better promote

I'm at the University of Florida, which is extremely liberal, and feelings are mixed all around. On one hand, I like Tebow, he plays with so much heart that even an extremely cynical person like myself isn't entirely unmoved by the passion with which he pursues his endeavors. (I wish I cared about anything as much as

With how much NBC is losing on the Olympics and paying off Conan (not to mention liquidating his show and paying for Leno's) I wouldn't be surprised if Zucker took you up on the offer.

Could you imagine upgrading from an Apple Mighty Mouse to that?

But, do I have to wear hideously, god awful suits to keep my woman?

Sign translation for any interested:

@Penny: I hate to say it, but that's kind of Fey's shtick. Her playing a confident single woman just isn't as funny.

@BlueJeans: From the article posted on Gawker a while ago about a reporter based in Uganda talking about the anti-gay law, it seemed like hardly any laws in Uganda are strictly enforced. Especially not laws against culturally accepted practices. It's just lip service to the West and I doubt it will result in any

There's no way to suppress the Janjaweed without force, and likely violence. The whole region is a lawless mess, and those who have guns will continue to terrorize the area until someone starts shooting back at them. Unfortunately, with America's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan I don't feel we'll be the ones to

I know someone who's getting a pubic hair on their can of Coke!!!

@darwins_secret_mistress: That's too easy. One of them has the abortion and her life is ruined for ever. The other lives happily ever after.