
@I'm a PC: Damn, you beat me to it. Art history 4 lyfe!!

@winner: I was just using your comment to make that point, but it's been made earlier in the comments by others. I wasn't disputing anything you said.

@winner: But just like boy's varsity sports teams doesn't have to let everyone onto the team, girl's dance teams don't have to let every girl dance.

@Shaban12si: Unless I'm missing something, Twilight didn't outsell The Dark Knight on opening weekend. It may have sold more than Dark Knight had after being out this long, though.

@Super Moose: More powerful computers, theft of computers found at his home. If he was in charge of computers in an entire school district it could easily be hundreds of computers. They may have factored in extra wear on the computers (from running 24/7) as loss in resale value.

"Alright guys, shirts vs skins!"

@Wishnick: I'm not arguing for everyone to be thin, I don't think 6% body fat is evolutionarily ideal (although I think your link does go too far and cherry picks evidence). But our advances in technology and medicine and the increase of unhealthy, sugar-laden processed foods have created more obese people than ever

@Atomic Bowling: Those 8% of the 2056 obese people polled (out of 5893 people) were less likely to visit a physician and less likely to exercise, it doesn't sound like they're doing everything they can to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The first step to resolving a problem is admitting there is a problem. Obese people who believe they are healthy aren't going to pay attention to any healthy lifestyle promotions unless they're convinced their lifestyle needs changing.

These sans-culottes must be stopped, in the name of the King! #paristrousers

My problem with "No Russian" was how unbelievable it was. How was I supposed to know who wasn't Russian? And how did the Russians deduce that a body covered in Russian prison tats was American? IT MADE NO SENSE. (Other than that it was disturbing how fun it was to fire an automatic weapon into a crowd of people.) #kota

@mr_godot: It's "Wolverines" as in, "WOLVERINES!" from Red Dawn. Jesus, how can you not know that?!

Oh god, not pouches. I'm already disgusted by ear wax and belly button lint, having to deal with pouch filth would push me over the edge. #thiscyborglife

It'd be great if you could disable stuff like this... ON DEDICATED SERVERS.

@Highsmith: But the logistics of it! I mean I'd be more than willing to try but I don't think it can be done properly.

A tablet doesn't really interest me, I'd rather just carry a laptop. But an e-ink reader that's light, flexible, and durable would be awesome. Especially if it could replace all my textbooks.

So Indian railroad tracks are just covered in shit?

I just hope they include a lot of customization at the server level. Players will decide what they like and don't like and cluster to servers with like-minded players. I, for one, won't play on a server without friendly fire enabled. But it would be nice to see things like no air-strikes in the first 15 seconds (which

@cand86: That is just so fucking odd I can't believe that sentence exists. (I mean I can understand the underlying point but Leonard Nimoy? Colbert Report? Oral sex?)