
I don't think it's hard to guess why they never made it to space, attitudes at the time just weren't as enlightened as today's (even though today's are far from ideal). I think it's more interesting that in 1959 NASA actually considered putting women into space.

@BigJDawg319: Despite its name, the only influence Christian Scientist have on the paper is the inclusion of a single article on religion at the request of the founder. It doesn't traditionally slant left or right and has won multiple Pulitzers. So thanks for jumping to wild accusations.

@MissSioux: And I think it's a little absurd to expect two stoned people to be politically correct.

Is it sold separate from the balance board if you've already purchased the first Wii Fit?

@bluebears: Honestly, I think Merriman was probably too rough with her but I don't think he "brutally" attacked her like her lawyer claimed. Lesser degree assault and battery charges were probably warranted. Then again, we don't know what the eye witness testimony stated.

@Platypus Man: This. What's really great about Growl on OS X is that most programs support it so all my notifications come in one form. It's just very streamlined and minimalist.

I think in most cases it's just poorly defined calf muscles that make one appear to have "cankles"- not anything to do with thick ankles.

@Peter Cavan: I think you're confused. You can use a dollar bill to patch a hole or sidewall tear in the tire but it won't do anything for the inner tube.

@foolish-rain: It's not like they really have that much to do. I mean, they do a shit load of stuff during training when they're in the barracks, but they're on base 24 hours a day and you're paying for all of it regardless.

I read the original article and it seems to make sense, but I have a couple problems.

@cocobanal: Pygmy rattles are venomous. Snakes aren't poisonous.

@nyc-caribbean-ragazza: Televised news used to be a public service provided by broadcast networks. The purpose was to inform, not to draw viewers simply to command higher advertising revenue. Today, the goal is only ratings. Put two respected people on to peacefully debate rational arguments? BORING! Put on some

@cocobanal: It's common to say I'm going to the bank or I'm in the store, even when the other party is unaware which bank or store. I don't see a difference other than that "in da club" has become a sort of cliché.

@peaceable: Well it's not entirely stereotyping, incidents of women sexually abusing are lower than that of men sexually abusing. So better they go to a mother or woman than a man, I mean from a purely statistical point of view.

@clevernamehere: You have to use the html line break code in between paragraphs. It's [br /] except instead of the square brackets use angle brackets (< and >), also note the space in between "br" and the backslash.

@Little Time Bomb: I had.. negative experiences in Detroit. Needless to say, I really respect what she's doing and wish I cared that much about anything.

I admire the commitment, I couldn't help but be cynical in a place like Detroit. That place is a world class shit-hole. The best thing they can do is give the children a chance to go to college and escape the sucking depression of Detroit.

1. If he's got a blog why did he put this on an annoying YouTube video that's almost eight minutes long when I could've read the entire thing in four?