
@SunScramble: The demo won't be released until the game is released, I believe. But it brings us to the question, if the demo sucks can we cancel our pre-order?

@Archetype: It seems to me that most of the fratboy types that watch this show are just going to spasm on top of a girl until they cum, and any girl worth fucking isn't going to let that shit go on.

My favorite was the McCain camp calling the investigation invalid since Palin was never interviewed, even though she stonewalled investigators and refused to speak to them.

@motokitty: Can I get an amen for Zappos? I just ordered a pair of sneakers from them and realized after placing it that I picked the pair half a size to small. I emailed to correct it and they not only did it immediately but bumped me up to next day shipping for free (because I've bought a few things from them).

Hugh Laurie will always be a foppish, 1920s playboy in my heart! (Why hasn't Stephen Fry ever had a guest spot on House?!)

You think they'd make their kids quit, I mean, more heroin for the parents.

@sadiehawkins: lol, is there really an abortion survivor ad? I thought that was only a joke they used in sketch comedies. I just picture a dude with coat hangar indentations on his body.

@unpopular: I think that persuading people not to join the army and fight a misguided war is a good method to undermine that war. When the government no longer has the personnel resources to fight that war they have to restart the draft or withdraw from that conflict.

@KillMeNow: Cool. From now on I'll only help myself. Fuck everyone else. I didn't realize we were back to living in tribes.

@KillMeNow: Oh no, I understand. I was just defending the second point emsigh_the_second was making about how they come across as a group. There was nothing in your reply that should of lead me to reply to you specifically, though, I apologize.

I think it would be a great thing to highlight a truly important message and inform voters.

@KillMeNow: I agree with you that these women have a right to protest, but I certainly think one should consider their social/economic/ethnic make-up before choosing how to protest. These women seem as spoiled children throwing tantrums whereas a poorer, less privileged group may appear to have more right to protest

It's not all sexist, they just make people on the left look like wackos. One, they offer nothing of substance to the debate (or if they do it's certainly not conveyed well by shouting slogans). Two, there's a difference between protest and disruption. Just because I agree with some of their beliefs doesn't mean I

I've always found that acronyms work well, so that if I wanted to make it cities I've lived in it would go chronologically Key West, New Smyrna Beach, Zephyrhills, Jacksonville, Gainesville; my password would be KwNsbZJG. It's something that I can remember but not something so easy that a friend or even family member

I generally agree with Jeremy Clarkson in that it's too much technology when you actually notice it. That said, I would like something like the Nissan GTR where I could check sensors, trajectory, etc. but in a way where it's hidden and not obtrusive until I want to use it but where I don't have to use it if I don't

@rumpelshowsskin: I should make it clear, I wasn't saying "god DAMN Africa" as in "God damn Africa to hell" (especially since I'm an athiest) but "Goddam Africa" as in "Goddam, son, what are you thinking?"

My first question, how did Tyra relate this to herself?

The only way a politician should make you cry is if he's fathered your illegitimate child.