
@Jezbian: I totally thought the same thing.

Reading the article about the Karzai pardon, it doesn't seem that the men will be free long. Karzai claims ignorance of the pardon, which isn't entirely unlikely given the rampant corruption in Afghanistan, but he could very well be backpedaling after it came to the public's attention.

I think they should just exempt collegiate sports that generate a profit. At my school (the University of Florida) our football team generates HUGE amounts of money and our basketball team is profitable as well. If I understand Title IX right, if a NCAA football team spends 10 million a year but makes 50 million in

I never understood the point of driving a Rolls, now being driven in a Rolls...

@tzaketh: Shooting and the pentathlon were included in the modern games as an homage to the spirit of the original games being contests for the ideal soldier. I suppose you could include gaming when unmanned drones become more prominent in warfare.

Maybe it was growing up near the beach or smoking pot when I was younger (okay, still smoking pot) but I hardly fight over anything. If I do dispute something, it's always calmly and respectfully and if, in the end, they don't agree I usually just accept it and don't go back to that place.

Dear automotive companies: STOP MAKING SHIT THAT ISN'T CARS. (I'm looking at you in particular, Ferrari and Porsche.)

Whenever I fly I have a habit of absent-mindedly sketching other passengers, but especially people I find unattractive. (It's so much more interesting to draw someone who is obese or wrinkly than someone with perfect features.) Anyway, one time this guy saw me sketching him and asked to see it. Luckily, he was just

75 in a 45, luckily some girl had vomited in my car and the cop felt bad for me and ticketed me with failure to obey a traffic control device. My car has a 95mph governor so I can't compete seriously. :(

@POLAЯ free since June 24th: It's funny, Top Gear just came back and did a spot with a Prius and an M3 going around the track, the Prius at top speed and the M3 following. The M3 got better gas mileage. It's all about how you drive.

Is no one else seeing Macauly Caulkin in Party Monster?

Maybe it's because people that review mainstream albums usually rely on getting advance copies from major labels and people that review independent music think she sucks.

Judging exclusively from waiting tables it's still extremely popular with rich American housewives. You try to recommend a Reisling but all they want is the Chardonnay...

@dirtybacon: I was hoping for a game where you just find creative ways to hit people in the balls. I always wanted to see a clip wherein a kid with a wiffle bat misses his dad's crotch but then a bird flies into his crotch. Total fakeout.

@BAngieB: Well how else are you supposed to have sex with a boy? Tummysticks?

I was hoping in honor of the American consumer spirit they'd solely review SUVs.

As long as it doesn't have freaky genetically engineered monkeys I'll be all for it. (Seriously, those monkeys scared me- not the ones with the guns, just the jumpy ones.)