
This is the first time I've seen this- my new favorite thing on the internet ever.

Honestly, this makes me look forward to the film. At least they're trying balls out to get the best stunts. None of that 35mph chase speed up in editing shit.

I'd like to recommend the IE Tab add on for Firefox. When Firefox doesn't work you can load the page in Internet Explorer on a tab inside Firefox. It's not perfect but works most times.

This makes me want to sell my 2002 truck and get one of these bad boys. I'd repaint it rust colored, because they're all that more awesome that way.

My father once fell asleep at a red-light with some traffic around him when we was working patrol late at night. No one honked or anything, he just woke up a few minutes later and there were no more cars around him. He wasn't drunk of course, but it's just funny that you could park a cop car right in the middle of a

It's kind of fucked up that the IRS gets their cut before employees' back pay. I mean, $900k is a drop in the bucket to the IRS but those people have to buy gasoline to look for new jobs.

From a historic point of view, this has to be somewhat demeaning to the old school British, what with the former jewel of the Empire buying two of it's most well known car companies.

If you've got the money to buy a Hummer, you've got the money to import a Defender; so you've got no reason to own a Hummer.

If I have one recommendation for any bittorrent user, it's this: private trackers. Find out where they are, go beg and plead on IRC for an invite, and then download and share in relative safety. It's no surefire guarantee, but it's better than public trackers.

I can taste the happy.

With Arnett as KITT I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face anytime he said "Hello, Michael."

If they could integrate it into Google Maps, hell yes! Plus, it'd be fucking great for when you get lost in a big city like Paris or New York.

But doesn't he know that Jesus personally decides the outcome of every NASCAR race?!

But it's got the Top Gear test track!!

$10 says it was a "rocks for jocks" geology course.

@cannotedit: It's an interesting point. I have a, uh, friend who had an experience with a girl, some handcuffs, and a not so consensual strap-on. But if it's embarrassing for women to go to authorities it's ten times so for men, even gay men.

I think all the fatasses that use diet coke to wash down their huge ass burgers and fries kind of skew the results a bit.