
Alternate method for setting fire to railroad tracks:

Or, in New Jersey, the universal symbol of “its raining right now”. 

Go fuck yourself. 

No, he was not “....just another person with an opinion.”! First, promoting racism and hate is not just voicing an opinion! Second, coming from someone who was as admired and had as large a pulpit as Ford gave it a degree of legitimacy. Finally, coming as it did at a time when Jews were being mercilessly persecuted

i don’t get why people make such a fuss over unions. what two laborers do in their own homes is none of my business.

Ehh, I can’t stand YouTube videos setup like a powerpoint presentations compiled entirely of ripped content - and NOT A SINGLE AUDIO NOTE from the engine or exhaust.

I’ve identified the perfect car. The Mustang gets respect from all walks of life.

I always notice that it is an Escape that is blocking my way out.

I think you and I share many views on driving. 

It is always a Corolla, or Altima lately

My God! Thank you so much. I've been saying this for fifteen years and almost getting nowhere. Vile, soft, fragile, needlessly complicated fucking turds.... 

Best description I read of the 2.5 was it had the power of a 4 cylinder with the fuel economy of a 6 cylinder. I found it okay on a test drive, and at least better than the 2.slow(almost anything is).

You are referring to the dampened flip out cupholder in my old C230. It was fun to watch but finicky and held a drink for shit.

And begin the, “My VW has lasted XXX,YYY miles...” comments in 3...2...

Oh yeah, my Mk3 is an absolute pile of shit. Runs like a top though. And the whole interior has been swapped for other stuff so it’s actually good now.

...all the damned blasted special tools...

So what you’re saying is, you had a Mk4 VW once?

Except that it is as ugly as home made sin.

Maybe the front but the rear is more like a mid-60's Continental.