Considering that the propane loose in the trailer blew up, not the propane in the tanks. It’d be a bit of a stretch to say it was the tanks.
Considering that the propane loose in the trailer blew up, not the propane in the tanks. It’d be a bit of a stretch to say it was the tanks.
The only part of the car that you cannot experience from the driver’s seat is the paint. It’s literally the least important part of the car.
After being around British cars for so long, it turns out I don’t know what normal Americans call most car parts.
I heard one call theirs “Reliable” and another called his a “Good car”. So yes, stupidity is still rampant.
I think he means ‘Mat it’.
I don’t think that’s how it works, but you do you.
The Toronado was the first car to make many design elements ugly.
You can go too far the other way too. The rear arches on a 79 Camaro look ridiculous.
Same principle. It works in paper too.
You lost.
Sadly, dash cams weren’t a thing at a time. But I wish I did too.
Yep, just add freeway speeds.
I had the joy of watching a deer ping pong from one truck to another and then vaporize not terribly far ahead of me one morning before the sun came up. The experience went from that sudden realization that something terrible is going to happen to a moment of wonder at the pretty pink mist that appeared in my…
The only other backwards country where they have use for that saying is Florida.
Pick a bridge into Jersey and you smell it before you get to the other side. It’s a dump, dumps smell.
What do you mean, northern? That smell is everywhere.
Imagine the public reaction these days if they did decide to make him black to match modern tires.
Boooring. Why does it go DOWN? Anyone can make it go down.
I looked all over the Florida map, and I can’t find Mass Pike.
The turtleneck should be beard colored. Or better yet, the beard should be turtleneck colored.