Oh look, Johnny Manziel _________ .
Oh look, Johnny Manziel _________ .
Good for Dusty, I was miffed when the Reds let him go. I thought he wasn’t the problem then, but these Cincy fans are impatient spoiled brats and wanted blood.
OMG somebody photoshop Edelman’s face on the lamb!
It’s all good.
Sweet God of all that is holy and sacred, what kind of nightmare porn is this? Ffs please.
Arians loves trolling fantasy people, he said mid-last week that Ellington would be getting more of a workload too. How’d that workout? What a magnificent bastard.
Cowboys: Holy shit this guy’s fuckin nuts.
Yes! I knew this was here when I read the title.
Well thank God! It could have easily been 9-1, whew.
He even put his name up there... huh I thought he was Mark 2, not 3?
Papelbon... ha, what a douchebag.
Not surprising, they use bots on the site to place bets and hedge odds to lower payouts. Do you think a little image copyright bullshit is going to stand in their way?
Gawd damn something tainted must be in the drinking water up there producing this level of sadness.
Trying to lipread... I think #91 after waving says, “Well fuck this shit, let’s get drunk.”
Oh yeah. They’ve done some shit now.
Yay (jumping on the pile)!
Steroids are a helluva drug.
They’re all thugs and bullies.
What the fuck is with Indianapolis area? Child molesters everywhere.
Hey they look pretty normal, ask them some questions.