Somebody’s getting a piss test.
Somebody’s getting a piss test.
Headline: Mystery Pooper is the Super
Super Pooper
You must sanitize your body before speaking to the Jeter. You must stand facing to the left, and DO NOT make full eye contact.
I don’t think Jesus gives any fucks about your posture during a song.
That is awesome. Not sure why I enjoy mascots trucking kids so much. Am I a bad person? I regret nothing.
Soo much bullshit.. bullshit everywhere, what is this about again?
The hardest part is spelling Dywane.. shit Dwyane
I’m just a little high occifer
Is Judge’s 513 ft homer the farthest ever? That guy is a beast.
My gawd that’s some premium snatch right there.
Shameless plug:
Gawd damn wash your wheels.
Is that Chris Christie?
Won’t he turn 30 in July?
Yakov is a genius. Saw his show in Branson in 1996 and he killed it. We got to meet him afterwards and did interviews for a book he was publishing at the time. He’s a great guy, very likable.
Autism isn’t funny.
Ching, chong, something something...
The Boomin’