
THE HARM comes when ASSHOLES make it illegal to GET an abortion, dumbass.

Religion is like a penis. I don't care if you HAVE ONE. I don't care if you're PROUD of it. Keep it to yourself, because if you WAVE IT IN MY FUCKING FACE, I'm gonna CUT YOU OFF.

Horrible Christian-oid horseshit - wrong fucking audience for this. THERE IS NO FUCKING GOD. You will not "meet" your BLASTOCYST AGAIN "someday." IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. Wake the FUCK UP.

If she had diabetes, internet trolls wouldn't be making jokes. If you wouldn't kick the crutches out from under a disabled veteran, don't make fun of people with mental illness. HEALTH IS HEALTH.

What do you get when you use this product? A VAJUNIOR?

Isn't it FUNNY how the "Most Transparent Administration In History" functions EXACTLY like the Bush White House, MINUS starched over-officiousness? Clintonian Fascism to replace Reaganoid Fascism.

My FAVORITE Imperfect-Kate-Micucci-Impersonator! YAY!

Tell him Kate Micucci is getting married to someone other than him. He'll commit suicide. ProbSolved.

Mr. Harder, of Kickem, Harder & Indagroyne. Finest attorneys in the city.

And I'm going to spend the next 18 years falsely emailing him about "the pictures I have" of his little "Lolitas," available for a reasonable price.


EVERY day is Fellatio Day, unless you're Felicia Day, then it's just a bad pun. — Deep Thought

He likes his girlfriends narrow-hipped and small-breasted. Just sayin'. Maybe Mike's got a little self-exploration and discovery in store for his personal life as well as his profession.

THIS IS THE FOOD YOU WILL NEVER EAT. You will never see it in our "restaurant" outside of the big, glossy pictures on the "menu". It does not exist. It is made of sculpted, painted plastic by a photographer.

THIS YOUNG WOMAN suffers from mental illness. Is it now OKAY for Jezebel to make fun of illnesses? What if she were cut badly and bleeding all over the subway seats? Is THAT funny? How about diabetes? Can we make fun of people who have to inject insulin or maybe have peripheral neuropathy and are losing a foot? How

tldr article: YES. YES, IT WILL.

If he thinks this is funny, wait until he sees what we put inside his shoes.

The hyphen should go between the LAST TWO words of the article title.

The antennae and leg length scream WASP, not bee.