Through a statement from his attorney, Bill Cosby said his comment last week asking the black media to remain…
Because he's a fraud. There I said it. They hate him because he's a fraud and when his advice is checked, it turns…
Can we also demand to get paid the same as men? Because then maybe it would make sense for them to be wined and dined. (Not that men don't deserve to be pampered. No one should act like an entitled prick, though, including women.)
I'll tell you what, boys: if you can find something to wear other than a grubby t-shirt and jeans, shave once in awhile, spend as much time on your hair and skin in the morning as women do, and learn how to make eyes at me across the room, I'll ask you out and pay for your dinner. Of course, I reserve the right to…
Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. That said, HOLY SHIT WOULD YOU DO THIS SEX POSITION…
She's reached Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson levels of annoyance for me.
You know she is saying this ridiculous ass things and all the redneck white ppl are shaking their heads, "Yes, I'm just stupid, I'm not racist!" then they go to their friends and say racist things and excuse themselves by saying, "No, Whoopie agrees, we're just stupid, not racist." WHY IS SHE STILL ON THIS SHOW!
Yo. I'm assuming this holds for jeans, nutrition, oral care, the economy, Kenya vs. Phaedra, Kenya the country, child development, the Oscars, pet care, crime, the military industrial complex, that time Beyoncé had weird bangs, the Constitution, lentil prep, women in the workplace, the legacy of Ghost, you, me and…
Did she really just tell Laverne Cox that she needs to know what racism "really is?" Yeah, Laverne Cox has totally no idea about "real racism." Yes, Whoopi. Laverne has never experienced oppression. Totally. And it sounds too close to wishing it upon her too =/
Whoopi is such an asshole.
This could be a friggin' Mad Lib at this point.
On Thursday's edition of The View, the panel brought up First Lady Michelle Obama's "revelation" that the Obamas…
Bill O'Reilly remains a fool on a soap box and this time he decided to throw respectability politics, racist…
Bad news, America. Your uncle Matt Lauer has reportedly walked out on his wife and might need to come crash at your…
After Sony Pictures pulled The Interview from theaters due to an anonymous threat, a theater in Texas decided to…