A lover of Israeli fascism and a proponent of genocide for the Palestinian people? HOW SWEET!
WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD LISTEN about race. Our days of TELLING others what race is and what it means ARE OVER. Deal with it! LISTEN. Basic human goodness and decency toward others without pre-decision based on YOUR hangups IS NOT AN AWARD-WINNING ACHIEVEMENT. Be decent towards everyone.
True. BASIC HUMANITY isn't some f*cking achievement. It's a BASELINE we should be requiring of our cops, our politicians, our newsreaders, our children, EVERYONE.
ALEX GIVES US NO ANSWERS. Alex gives us the *Questions*!
Get used to your kids losing in things, Helicopter Parents! It's feckin' PART OF LIFE! TEACH YOUR KIDS HOW TO PLAY GAMEFULLY AND LOSE (and Win) GRACEFULLY!
Tia Taco (hisp. Aunt Gemima) takes office, CHANGES NOTHING AT ALL.
The lawyers forced her to sign. Threatened revenue stream, ad nauseam...
UNLIKE RAPISTS, who never seem to be held to account OR TO the LAW.