It's okay - they also weren't even ever considering Asians, Blacks, or Hispanics. Equal-Opportunity Bigotry.
If ACTUAL PENES (not penii, that would only work if the singular latin word were PENUS) only make NUMBER THIRTEEN on your list: You're Not Doing It Right.
There's a really effective way to tell which stars & planets are influencing your life.
Adele Dazeem???
Prince Humperdinck looks better in glasses.
TOTES KEWL how it just slices through innocent children unlawfully targeted by drones.
No REAL American would put up with TSA security THEATRE just to fly. Drive or take a train.
Arsenic from HFCS. Phenol from all drinks with Nutrasweet. Carbolic acid melting your teeth and poisoning your gums. Yeah, this shit'll KILL YOU, Coke and Pepsi just don't want you to KNOW any more than Phillip Morris wanted you to know about Lung Cancer.
Join the CLUB!
It's so TERRIBLE when rich white Republicans have issues like drug addiction (which they deny social services to deal with the problem where it occurs in non-white communities). A REAL FRACKING TRAGEDY.
Yay? TV will droll on stupidly for YEARS about her girlishness, her sex appeal (which AS WE ALL KNOW are the most important things about a woman) and how they are affected by superpowers, NOT IN ANY PLOT- OR CHARACTER-DEVELOPING WAY. This show will be SHIT because the Hollywood TV industry IS SHIT.
I get turned on by Presidential candidates who TALK ABOUT civil rights, then get elected AND ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT RACIST POLICEMEN.
Good thing the child's not Palestinian or ScarJo would have stomped it to death in the delivery room.
Dilithium De Los Muertos?
The face of a Chickenhawk. A predator equivalent to Woody Allen or Roman Polanski.
That Adele Dazeem sure is a TROOPER!
KICK IN JUNK. Problem solved.
Obama doesn't ACTUALLY LIKE gay people or marriage equality. He was forced by public opinion into positions that he rejected when running for Senate and the Presidency. His Wall Street and AIPAC BOSSES have pretty much told him how to "govern" and that he's not really even in charge.