
Still washing James Gandolfini's sweat off her from The Soprano's bedroom scenes.

HE IS A LITMUS TEST for bad people. "What do you think of George Takei?" will TELL YOU whether or not that person is worth knowing, being around, talking to... etc.

She's got no biz criticizing the LOOKS of ANYONE, given her own fucked-up face.

LOL. Logical fallacy: appeal to authority; appeal to popularity. NEITHER is scholarship.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! LOL. NO. Fail. Sorry. Fictional. Based on a whole fucking CROWD of real Messianic leaders, the "Jesus" myth was invented by the Flavian dynasty AS A REPLACEMENT for Judaism that would toe the Roman Line.

WWJD? NOTHING! He's a fictional, mythological character.

Creepier even than Jeffrey Jones, star child-molester and Florida felon.

SLURRED LIMES: The new hit single by Dummy McRapperson.

RIFFRAFF. It's called SQUAB by us billionaires who order it at $74 a plate.

Consciously Uncoupled From Reality.

"Separate But Equal" my ass.

She can totally be child-free all she wants... just pose like this occasionally. Yeah. Like that.


You forgot, "I'm old, my body is broken and hurts ALL THE TIME and I just need to cope - how many years can I have left ANYWAY?!"

How is that "Due Process"?

There's SAD & then there's GODDAMN FUCKING PATHETIC.

Not if we peons had decent public transport LIKE WE PAY EXORBITANT TAXES TO GET BUT NEVER DO.

#NotAllVillagePeople ! #NotAllFreddyMercuryImpersonators !

When Liza Minelli knows you're too fucked up to interact with the public, YOU ARE.