

It's Jennifer Aniston.

That's probably because you posess something many rich people lack: TASTE.

WE WILL CONTINUE TO PRODUCE AND DISTRIBUTE THESE LISTS until Columbia and ALL OTHER UNIVERSITIES, COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS do something substantive, just and swift about campus rape.

Corruption and having sold your soul to Satan are not forms of brain damage.

Yeah, they become some rich person's fuck-toy.

Strangely, more than two thirds of plastic surgery patients are unhappy with the result, but you'd never know as they all permanently look pleasantly surprised.

You are also no longer allowed to enjoy classical music because Wagner was an antisemite.

Boy, when Angie gets PLASTERED, you know it.

He's in good hands now; he's with the Lard. Our savior, Greasus.


I would crucify him just to stay true to the meme.

Leave It To Bieber (to be stupid enough to believe anything as dumb as Christian mythology).

"SPOILER ALERT, Summer. There is no God. Take it from me - best to rip that band-aid off quickly."

Safe in moderation for almost all bunniez.

He sure as hell did. In those words. Another huge lie from a man who had no intention of actually producing substantive change with the power he lusted for.

With socialist disabled veterans like me, MANNING THE TRIGGERS when they get lined up for their just desserts.

We're more likely to be hit by an asteroid than to see Obama find his "comfortable shoes" & join the May 15th strike, like he promised to do when he was CANDIDATE Obama.

It's only better in hindsight. All the rose-colored memories, when she was having them, weren't ALL THAT at the time. She yearned for kids & family and when it wasn't the perfect life package that American marketing sold her, she soured on it, ruining the lives of innocent kids.

AMAZING what they can do with wax and 3D printing nowadays.