
Fake-ass smile-with-mouth-only. Look at her lying eyes!

Liar, liar, pants on fire

It's not inappropriate - he's AUDITING her for her next Scientology level.

The hand that BEAT poor little Billy Crystal at High School basketball in Long Island.

Disabled Veteran in his forties.... FUCKFACE.

AHEM! — FIREFLY STAR Christina Hendricks.

Singer, Woody Allen, Polanski and Jeffrey Jones should all be sharing a cell.

Politics is the fucking LAST thing the V.A. should be either about or the victim of.

Dogs don't give a shit about war. They're just as capable at transferring their existential fears onto mailmen or loud cars.

Waking up in a cold sweat night after night during nuclear warfare drills *was* traumatic.

I never figured Government-funded propagandists to be SMART.


LOL at you thinking any money goes into the V.A.

TBH, killing civilians with drones and lying about it? Kinda asshole-ish.