I had trouble figuring out what I was looking at - her hands should have HORMEL stamped on them.
I had trouble figuring out what I was looking at - her hands should have HORMEL stamped on them.
Well, politically she's only slightly to the right of George W. Bush, so this is ANOTHER resemblance...
Star Trek IV Hospital Scene:
There is a dotted line - they just didn't consult me before press time.
2nd look: You may be right if you are interpreting those cheek folds I missed at first glance. I'm still waiting on the titer from the lab cultures. You?
SCARJO can suck it. Go slurp down the blood of Palestinians murdered for their homes that the SODA STREAM factory was built on top of.
And thus, a minority component of the thespian population. YOU of all people should recognize how broken the people of your (and singers and comedians) profession are.
I bow to your superior trivia knowlege.
1) It's "Kill Your DARLINGS"
She should be insisting, "I am no closet-queen's BEARD."
I would like it if people stopped negatively viewing us men who make the decision to stay at home and raise the kids and (badly) care for our homes.
Robin Williams spotted 0:44 left side, standing. Very young.