
Sir, I like the cut of your jibberish.

It looks like this in the advertisements and on the menus.

Enhanced Gary goes absolutely Gollum. Unable and unwilling to keep the signals out of his brain, he does self-surgery to replace his cranium with a polarizable lexan cover, of which he can control the light permeability. Shunning solar rays, he hides by day in a deep antenna-served tunnel (perhaps the failed Staten

It doesn't need to sell a lot of books to be optioned and developed by Hollywood.


This is all a load of crap.


In other news, Gizmodo will now be known as Apple PR Department #2.

Thank you for your submission.

Yeah. Treat Sir Kingsley with some RESPECT, you goomba!

There'd better be courses on cooking and eating human flesh, or most of their "graduates" won't survive the Collapse and Mass Extinctions.

To people not bright or not concerned enough to look at the spellchecker, which can be turned on to AUTO function.

I like people who spell it "completetion."

THIS'll REALLY blow your mind:

NO FAIR - that's a SubMoron.



Money is the universal passport.

Only once has that happened to a military officer. IIRC, 1812. The Navy stripped an officer of US citizenship and he was a man without a country for a while, if not for the rest of his life.

I'm certain she would return your crush. Literally.