
Straight man keepin us DOWN.

Good for those 3:00AM wakeups.

Preaching to the choir here, Cletus.

Yeah. Too bad about the dead bodies of all those kids collecting firewood.

BHO got the axe because most of the "science" he invests in is strictly stuff to KILL BROWN PEOPLE halfway around the globe.

I'm sanguine about my literary abilities.

There are records of his notable parentage and conservatory youth. Not CSG.

Of the Smithfield, Connecticut Rubbleman family?

Lava Tubes. Protection from radiation + a space you can seal off with polyurethane and ScotchGuard to pressurize an earth atmosphere.

D is for DRONES, which legally can kill ANY ONE OF US or anyone else, anywhere in the world, and neither the President nor anyone else will face justice for it.

Was the M in RANDOM too strenuous for you to type?

Yeah, this one does smack of "rich mom's affectation passed on/pressed ONTO her kid."

Clearly NOT. That Pliosaurus is NUDE and Dr. Fünke NEVER is.


Bloody GENIUS.

Shitty parenting IS a problem in the West, but not a cause of Autism.

Based on mirror neurons, I suspect.

Too bad you didn't put money on that bet, SUCKER.

Only an evil dentist would buy a horrific thing like this.