
Hey, is it safe to have an opinion here or am I going to be berated and to go back to deadspin? 

I made note of the Unhewn Throne and the Malazan Empire after reading the article and first comment...having read your comment, I share many similar grievances with a lot of the fantasy I’ve tried my hand at nowadays. Do you have any recommendations? (Already made note of the Black Company series which I’ve always

Absolutely breathtaking.

This article is stupid and I’m dumber for having read it. Meek Mill sucks. Tired of him hollering rhymes into a microphone and being treated like Philly’s #1 rapping sensation. Drake is trash as well. There’s nothing I can say about him that hasn’t already been said. He’s literally a walking punchline of a rapper.

Damn. I like Eisenberg. Other than that fucking awful false equivalent...what’s your beef with him?

Why is this exciting? Because the Xbox One is now participating in a disturbing trend of early access releases that fall into development hell or just never get finished? Hell, they even got the guy who never finished DayZ making an MMO. I bet it’ll be an early access game then he’ll just stop working on it and move

I guess setting him off in order to make herself a victim wasn’t already wrong to begin with? The Baron was a very flawed character. He indulged too much in a little of everything and didn’t know how to cope with his demons. He took that out on his family and came to deeply regret it. To say Anna had nothing to do

I don’t get how comparing an individual of a completely different upbringing/background to a fictional character holds any merit. I’m glad your wife is able to control her impulses, but there are people out there who cannot. To compare her struggle to another’s is to use a false equivalence.

Dude what the hell are you talking about? I think it’s impressive for the show to rebound from that point. Shireen’s death was disturbing as fuck. I’m glad that I at least was able to see something cool before the episode ended. And why not tune into next episode to see what purpose Shireen’s death served in the over

Which line was that again?

Well said. I don’t know that I entirely agree with you. I felt like George is a lot more meticulous in everything that he does in the novels than the show is. A lot of the changes are done for appeal. For the oos and ahhs. Doesn’t even have to make sense and people will gobble it up. My biggest problem this season was

That’s lame. He even had Darkstar ride off as if he’d live to fight another day. Jaime and Bronn’s involvement just feels like a cost effective alternative than casting Ser Arys Oakheart just to kill him off at the end of this season. I am hoping they don’t decide to kill Bronn because Oakheart died in Dorne...

Shit, he isn’t the only one. That Beric Dondarrion plot was abandoned so nonchalantly that I can’t even watch older seasons without getting mad.

As a reader of the books, what attracted me most to the world is its attention to detail. I know it’s next to impossible to capture the depth of a novel in a TV show, but the streamlining of some of these plots is outrageous. They’ll leave out key details/plot points that validate certain decisions/actions made by

For real? I didn’t know that. Here I’m thinking Darkstar is going to make sense at some point. His name was badass, at the very least.

Definitely seemed like they killed him off to bring in Tyrion. That’s a really weak reason to kill off a character, especially one as prominent as Barristan. Then again, this is Game of Thrones.

No love for Victarion? Damn. As terrible of a person he was, his story arc is still intriguing as hell.

Kind of underwhelming. I guess Fallout has turned into one of those games, kind of like Diablo 3, where we’re all expected to automatically love it...regardless if it’s a good game or not. I didn’t see one thing in that trailer that distinguished it from Fallout 3/New Vegas. It looked like a last gen game with mods.

The books have done far worse to far younger characters, so relax. How can you possibly say that Sansa was raped for no reason without letting the story pan out? Haha. Your complaints are too bitchy to take serious. I like how you barely cite a reason for disliking Jaime & Bronn’s sword fighting scene other than it

I saw this last night with a bunch of friends. I was convinced after the credits rolled that I woulf be the only one who liked it, but was surprised to find that almost everyone enjoyed it. It’s a fun film. If I had one complaint, and it’s an absurdly stupid one, but it felt very PG-13 with its very tamed violence.