
Jesus this is embarrassing. Day 2 of this and you guys are still buying that Serena was the victim here? I’m a big fan of Serena, but she has not been wronged here at all. The first code violation was for coaching - her coach admitted he did it and the cameras caught him doing it. No it’s not called all the time, but

Worst part is that the Cowboys shit the bed all night, just trying to give the Giants the game. And this Giants team isn’t very good and likely won’t be handed too many more easy victories like this one. So, they’ll probably go 9-7 and win the Super Bowl.

Not a relevant comparison. People were unhappy with Ledger’s casting (me included) but the overwhelming consensus on seeing his performance (even in the first TDK trailer) was that he absolutely nailed it. I don’t recall any real uproar about Leto’s casting (he’s a fine, versatile actor), but the reaction to the look

I’m only contrasting what I felt about Leto in this trailer compared to my initial reaction to seeing Ledger in the first TDK trailer — i.e. not on Ledger’s entire performance (that would be unfair). Each to their own, of course, but Leto seems *to me* to be channelling ‘theater kid with grillz’, whereas even in TDK

I learned that DC’s claim this weekend that Harley Quinn is a great rolemodel for young girls because she is “Sexy without being Skanky” was so much hilarious bullshit that it seems like they couldnt wait to prove themselves liars.

The most notable thing I learned is that I now have an even deeper appreciation for this guy’s peerless performance...

Yes, because rage and wrath had no place In Greek mythology. It was obviously inspired by “internet rage”. What a moron

I was also curious about what makes Vávra tick. I’d only seen him from afar, in figurative armor. I’d spotted him as a pugnacious user of Twitter who would mix Tweets about game design with angry complaints about so-called social justice warriors and charges that, as he put it last October, “the future of our biz is

While I appreciate enjoying Ray, Frank is easily the most interesting character and my favorite of the season so far.

That argument always bothers me. Of course fiction is not real, but it still needs rules, sense of place. Fantasy uses history as a base to play off, and yes, it can be changed and adapted. But that doesn’t mean it should be to satisfy some balance. The witcher’s world sucks for women. But it sucks for men, too. Short

I really like how Kit understands the nuances of playing a character where most of the dialog is in his head. Many people don’t care for Jon on the show. It’s been difficult to get Jon to show up on the screen because of how all his chapters are inner monologues. He doesn’t have fancy dragons, or KL politics. All he

Sure, a lot of it looks wrong if you’re committed to the lore established in the novels. But I read them long enough ago that the finer points have faded from memory, so it does not disrupt my immersion when they reshuffle the geography and history in smallish ways (or even medium-largish ways) for the sake of

Yeah, I’m still not sure why the hell they did that they way they did. I think it was to preserve the integrity of that one witty line Shae had about Tysha from when Tyrion first told the story. Which is dumb.

You're excused for asking.

What’s the point of even talking about this? We all Goodell is only going to suspend Mayweather two games unless there’s video evidence.

IBM’s computer thinks in chocolate and vanilla. Sometimes what it knows is chocolate, sometimes it’s vanilla, sometimes it’s a swirl. Sometimes, though, the swirl melts; then you have to decide if there was more chocolate or more vanilla in that puddle. IBM just hired a fat kid that can tell the difference.