Too bad Amy Schumer is a fuckin' terrible comedian. I really disliked Anthony Jeselnik, but Amy's show makes his look leagues better. Maybe she's just missing the overly gratuitous laugh reel.
Too bad Amy Schumer is a fuckin' terrible comedian. I really disliked Anthony Jeselnik, but Amy's show makes his look leagues better. Maybe she's just missing the overly gratuitous laugh reel.
What a goddamn awful idea; there's nothing convincing about this.
Maher has never been shy about calling things as he sees it. Despite how outlandish some of it is, I found myself in agreement with his sentiments. That being said, I disagree with his take on Islam and found that Mr. Affleck was actually in the right despite his pretentious, "i don't wanna be here" attitude. Then…
I understand and agree with you to an extent, but I don't believe this article is an example of that. The community is calling Patricia out on her flimsy argument and subtle implications. Just as she claims that Temkin "went about it the wrong way" (I'm paraphrasing...) I believe that is a case of the pot calling the…
I hate this guy so much and I hate that so many people identify with him. Floyd Mayweather is an excellent defensive boxer, but he's boring as fuck to watch. He's arrogant and just has the worst personality. Everyone excuses his bastardization of boxing because it's his "persona", an alter ego he apparently created in…
Another controversial topic, another colossal fuck-up of an article. Cheers, Patricia!
What the hell are you talking about? Kotaku has some of the worst case of "white knights" and devout, borderline zealot feminists. Patricia Hernandez's gender articles are always terribly misguided and thankfully the community is at least somewhat intelligent to call her out on it.
Since you're paying monthly fees for Sony and Microsoft's online services, it is only right that you are given a game for free with no strings attached. Doesn't serve your point. There is no monthly subscription to playing PC games multiplayer (other than MMOs).
Oh, of course not. They had to make room for the Final Fantasy XIII-4 announcement, because just when you thought 3 was enough...Square Enix thought we could all use one more let-down.
Man, I want to disagree with you so badly because the censorship is a little annoying, but I have to admit that you have a solid point.
It's funny how you just proved the point OP was trying to make.
He actually looks pretty pissed off, imo.
One of the best sci-fi movies in years that plays out like a video game with forgettable performances all around other than Tilda Swinton..I can't tell if you're advocating for the movie or if this is a negative review.
Goddamn it, thank you. You are clearly the only one who can interpret the scene in the correct context. If only people could look past this stupid argument and realize how dumb this article is for encouraging people to complain even more about what makes this show so good—the fact that the Producers' have elected to ig…
I don't get the whole 'if this were modern day' argument. That's just presentism talking. How can you really judge the morality of a situation occurring in a medieval times/the Dark Ages? (In GoT it's obviously an alternate fantasy universe based on that time period) Of course it is wrong by the standards of our…
I agree with you to an extent, but I am pissed that you got this stupid debate going again. The Producers need to continue tuning out the audience, for a simple discussion devolves into assaults on peoples intelligence. Jaime raping, or forcing himself on Cersei was a very docile scene compared to some of the other…
It's probably because it was a TV show and not an actual rape unfolding before their eyes...
Wow. That's seriously a problem? In whose eyes? I'm sorry, I just think it's rather amusing that Cersei's rape scene was the one deemed as 'going too far'. I would never wish rape on anyone, but of all the innocents that have been raped, maimed, and tortured in various ways...people are outraged that the Queen, who…