Anny Mouse

I just read about this case this morning. It’s so sad. This daughter is going to have a tremendous amount of guilt as she not only knew her boyfriend was a Nazi, she began believing the things he said, and possibly let him sneak into her room where he then shot and killed her parents.

And of course LeGuin’s Earthsea series, where the majority of people had dark skin, Something that was totally ignored when it was turned into a TV series, of course. The “historical accuracy’ argument might hold more weight if they didn’t pull stuff like this.

I’m curious too. I have one on my right foot and it gets really painful. I tried the toe spacers and they caused excruciating pain but I never noticed a difference in the shape of my foot.

Hey me too:

I hope you mean “rich people in general,” because the original Rothschild banking conspiracy theory is anti-Semitic bullshit.

It’s almost like attacking and murdering people for wanting to take down your shitty participation trophies just makes more people want to take them down.

Free Takiyah Thompson! Call Durham, NC, District Attorney to demand charges be dropped against Takiyah and all anti-racists protesters: 919-808-3010. Donate to bail fund:

I think original Half-Life could use the full remaster treatment honestly. Such a perfectly designed game, and it is aging surprising well, especially with that high definition pack stuff a while back, but I’d buy the shit out of a proper remaster for modern machines.

I’m really not comfortable with how “road rage” has suddenly transcended bias, as if racial or gender animus don’t play a role in someone becoming “enraged”. Bias effects everything but apparently not road rage?

I thought his trial ended in a mistrial, not that he was acquitted.

Do you ever find yourself in the midst of writing something like this and just think to yourself ‘Christ, we’re just a bunch of apes’? Maybe it’s just me, but whenever i read anything that tries to unpack social knots it reminds me of how thoroughly we’re another animal.

My dad lost his colon at 45. I was fully planning on getting early colonoscopies; now I don’t know if a) they’d be covered, b) if I could afford them if not, or c) if it’ll screw me because I could be diagnosed with a pre-existing condition. It all feels like a gamble with my life where the house holds all the cards.

“As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.”

I fully expected my fellow white dudes to disappoint me, by and large, during this election. The voting percentages were pretty much where I’d thought they’d be. 

You can try to swing with a dumbbell and see how that goes.

Smart ass answer: From my food, where do you get protein?

I tried this and It worked better than any brown rice I've ever made. The article failed to make clear the rice to water ratio for soaking vs. for cooking. It also failed to mention if short, medium or long grain made any difference. I used a medium grain brown rice (1 cup) soaked it overnight in the fridge covered in