Seitan for the win.
Seitan for the win.
Operation Wonderbread
Operation Vanilla Ice
Operation Snow Shovel
Operation Stay Pufft
Operation Wite Out
This isn’t weird, but my doctor basically shrugged when I asked her and I’m suspicious that all the miracle devices online are snake oil. Is there effective treatment available for bunions?
I know where another White Supremacist works: https://steveking.house.gov/
Trump ran on the anxiety that “the rest of the world is laughing at us.” Well, if they weren’t before, they are now. This administration is a joke.
And no, we don’t “all” agree this went too far. We all agree that this didn’t go nearly far enough. Right wing fascists terrorized a town that followed a methodical and careful process. We can expect them to do that over and over again if removals are careful. Better to take them all down now. McNeel Marble can…
I’m not sure why his being bi should be scandalous.
Absolutely valid points and I can see why you’d go to Omar Mateen this week. But I think a better comparison is John Allen Muhammed. Although all three men shared a history of domestic violence.
I’ve been at the “a $100 emergency would break me” point — and then have had those emergencies. The alternator dying on my car, for example. I think for me one of the mental barriers between where I was and having an emergency fund was that I needed two kinds of savings. I needed annual/periodic expense savings and I…
I’ve chosen between “traditionally female” jobs and non-traditional jobs at several points in my life and have picked the less traditional ones. This has the unfortunate effect of making my resume look like I’m a career-hopper when all of my jobs have been about writing computer code and analyzing data, but many of…
>>The Wall Street Journal profiles Bannon and his roots today, seeking to find the origins of his personal philosophy, which spawned Breitbart
I’m pretty sure Andrew Breitbart spawned Breitbart... http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/15/business/media/the-life-and-death-of-andrew-breitbart.html
I just looked up these — Bite Fuel Peanut Butter Protein Cookies — and here’s the ultimate warning (per serving):
6 grams of fat
6 grams of sugar
6 grams of protein
For me, the “restful” thing about a vacation is the chance to think about something different from normal life. So taking time off to binge watch a tv show I enjoy doesn’t really feel like a vacation. But this summer I did have a successful one: I visited special exhibits at museums — and splurged on the docent tour.…
I’m guessing you had a similar experience to mine. I was in Costa Rica and enjoyed powered milk for the first time in my life. Turned out Klim, the brand we were using, is a whole-fat milk powder whereas what I was used to getting was skim milk powder. I switched to Nido, Nestlé’s whole fat US brand and I can usually…
The “gag” tip does work for photos though. (As does strategic tape.)
I didn’t intend to do either. I said I learned how little of our salt consumption is iodized when I was diagnosed with thyroid disease. Iodized salt is a long-standing public health intervention which we are accidentally circumventing by transferring our sodium intake to non-iodized sources.
This article misinterprets imposter syndrome and then waves it away. Which is kind of a Dunning-Krueger way to address the issue...
I’ve got some tanks from Duluth Trading which fit the bill for me. I haven’t tried their Ts yet but the tanks are nicely weighted, nicely fitted, and nicely textured.
Thanks for mentioning the iodine. My chef-trained ex only used kosher salt at home and I wound up with a thyroid problem. It’s also relevant to note that *only* table salt is iodized — none of the sodium you get from chips or other packaged food has this supplement (seaweed chips are an exception).
That picture is funny. The small connector is just a small USB connector. USB carries both data and power both directions.
That picture is funny. The small connector is just a small USB connector. USB carries both data and power both…