
So they can piss how half their demographic by making biblical characters part of “fairy tales”? I don’t see that happening.

My 18yo daughter is both a huge fan of Supernatural and Rick Springfield. I don’t think everyone in their target audience is oblivious to 80s music.

Divergent was so boring I kept falling asleep.

It’s like Idiocracy has come to life right before our eyes.

CBS can suck it.

Thats the thing, she shouldnt feel good about her body because she is fat.

How can someone have cankles on a pair of boots that are at least 6" above the ankle? That makes no sense.

There is a 360 degree theater, but it’s not a regular movie theater. It’s the movie they show at the Canada Pavilion. It’s been years since I saw it and it may not even exist anymore, but that’s the only one I can think of that had movie screens all the way around the inside of the building.

Daryl Dragon is listed as a Moog player on Wikipedia, but I don’t remember much about the Captain & Tennille or his days of playing with the Beach Boys.

Now playing

If this poster does not (at a minimum) include Micky Dolenz of The Monkees, then it is just flat-out WRONG! Micky bought the third Moog synthesizer ever produced and it was first used in the recording of The Monkees’ song Daily Nightly. That’s the first record to EVER use the Moog. Per Micky...

There are fences like that in places guests don’t see. Putting those types of fences where you can see them tends to take away from the view of your resort, though, so you won’t see things like that. Even the new signs they put up are less invasive than that sort of fencing. As far as Harry Potter world, that’s at

Don’t be confused. If you’re in Florida and three’s fresh water anywhere near you, there’s probably an alligator in it. Even little retention ponds and creeks have gators. They are everywhere and they usually don’t bother people, especially during daylight hours. They hunt mostly at dusk (or later) and that’s the time

Yeah, River Country is still there, but it’s been permanently closed since 2001 and in severe disrepair. If you take a ferry over to the Fort Wilderness Campground, you can still see the water slides if you know where to look. A horror film set there would be kinda awesome.

They’d have to put a fence similar to the one above around every single body of water on the WDW Resort property. Kennedy Space Center has fences like this around everything to keep the alligators in or out (as needed). They have literally had them wander into buildings at KSC. It’s what happens when you build your

I can guarantee that they knew and they’ve done their best to relocate problem gators. They didn’t want to burst the “magic” bubble by warning guests that alligators were present in the lake right outside the patios of their resort. Every body of fresh water owned and managed by state or local governments has a sign

In addition to the alligators, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that guests could encounter venomous snakes (water moccasins, copperheads, rattlesnakes, coral snakes), brown recluse and black widow spiders, scorpions, bears, bobcats, and wild boar (last three probably not on WDW property - it’s become too

The WDW Resort used to actually have a water park located on Bay Lake (the lake directly connected to the Seven Seas Lagoon via a water bridge) called River Country. Guests (myself among them) swam in the same water these alligators inhabit with very little to separate the water park from the lake itself. Floridians

Having never run one over, I can only assume it would be like hitting a really huge speed bump because they aren’t tall enough (generally) to be higher than your bumper. They are tall enough, though, that it might send your vehicle into the air depending on the speed at which you were traveling. I’m picturing the

Yeah, but proving that they knew Cast Members were feeding alligators, which desensitizes them to our presence and increases their view of us as food, just made an attorney’s job that much easier. That and the fact that WDW Resort management didn’t want to scare guests by putting up signs warning about alligators on

Damn, that Bobcat DOES own your yard! Fences won’t keep a bobcat out, either, unless they are angled at the top so they can’t jump it (like they do for gators at KSC). Even a house cat can easily jump a six-foot fence.