
I worked at the WDW resort for a short time and have a sibling that worked there for 18 years. Plus, my family owned a piece of land Disney bought for the parks. The resort is built entirely on swampland.

I’m not sure I understand your comment. Who has signs that say not to feed alligators? As a former Cast Member, I can guarantee you that WDW didn’t have signs like that around the resort. Perhaps they put signs up at the Reedy Creek Firehouses, but they were definitely not anywhere a guest on property would see them.

The only place I know of that gators are intentionally fed is an amusement park/tourist trap called Gatorland. There, they feed the gators whole chickens from a fishing pole as a show for the tourists. Anywhere else (except another park like that), it’s against the law in the state of FL to feed an alligator. Feeding

Actually, yes, people are suggesting that gators who are fed by humans tend to turn around and later attack humans. That’s why it’s illegal to feed alligators. They don’t distinguish us from food. They would as soon bite your hand off as wait for you to give them something edible.

Your Disney Gator Truther doesn’t know what he’s talking about, then. Alligators frequently stick to prey they can eat in a single bite. Larger prey, however, is killed by dragging it into the water where the gator does a death roll to drown it. The gator then stashes the prey somewhere underwater to rot for a while

Agreed, it is difficult to say which gator it could have been, but if they were feeding multiple gators, who’s to say other Disney cast members or even guests weren’t doing the same thing?

You would be incorrect with your assumption. Alligators in the wild are pretty docile. They don’t normally associate people with food unless someone starts feeding them, because we are larger than their normal prey...but little kids aren’t. Gators eat dogs a lot and a 2yo isn’t much bigger than a medium-sized dog.

The firefighters’ gators were almost certainly unrelated to one that drowned Lane Graves, because it’s hard for a gator to cross the roadways. Also, why would you go chasing kids when you’re being fed by hand?

Wentworth Miller signed a contract with Warner Brothers that allows him to continue appearing in the Arrowverse on The CW after Legends of Tomorrow finishes its first season. I have no idea how they plan to make that work, but with FlashPoint and all the time travel in Legends, anything is possible.

Since a ***SPOILER WARNING*** is at the top of this thread....

Just because it’s an independent league doesn’t mean it’s a stunt. Women are certainly capable of playing baseball. I played semi-pro women’s baseball back in the ‘90s - same time as the all-female Colorado Silver Bullets were playing minor-league and independent men’s baseball teams.

I love the first one (always have) and it’s totally unique. The second one is the one I think of and hum to myself when someone mentions the show, though.

It somehow qualifies because it’s a comic. I don’t get it, either.

The Antec one you mentioned is on sale right now for $16.97. I just ordered another one.

The Antec one you mentioned is on sale right now for $16.97. I just ordered another one.

I might be reading too much into the stage direction, but it seems the show is implying that Littlefinger knows, too. Not just the way the knowing reaction shots from the King In The North scene, but from the crypt scene in S5.

I have a terrible memory, too. I just took the wearing of the Lannister armor to mean something and maybe it doesn’t. /shrug

I don’t think it works like that. Also he wasn’t removed from the Kingsguard, just from King’s Landing. He’s still acting as a member of the Kingsguard in the Riverlands.

That’s definitely how it is at my office. Everyone is so shocked when I start talking about the different theories. They have absolutely no idea.

Other ships had Dorne’s Sunspear on the sails, so there are Dornish ships, Highgarden ships, and the Iron Fleet sailing with Dany.

After three episodes I had to give up. It’s just too weird for me and I don’t feel any sort of satisfaction after watching.