
She also confirmed that Kilgrave is well and truly dead and done with.

ABC, FX, Fox, Netflix, Freeform — and they tell us when they would like it

So maybe Netflix could make an ask for an Agent Carter two hour movie? Or ABC could throw their viewers a frickin’ bone and commission this to show up while AoS is on winter or summer hiatus?

So I’m gonna defend Bodhi.

I would give up any romantic relationship before I'd give up my kids. This is so fucked. In every way.

I thought that was disgusting as well. She talks about the importance of love but she clearly doesn’t give a flying shit about the two young ones who were taken away...

Peterson says, “Honestly I never thought we would get into trouble for our relationship.”

At the same time, she’s bothered that fencing requires her daughter to shake hands with male referees and travel without a male guardian.

You don’t watch Lucifer for the detectiving, you watch it for what insane crap is Lucifer going to pull next as he does not give a shit. ^^ It’s all about Tom Ellis. ^^

Or have him end up with Patty Spivot. Never forget Patty! I’m convinced they wrote her out because they had too much chemistry together and were like “oh yeah ... Iris has to end up with him ... oops”.

Lucifer isn’t Emmy-winning TV, but the actor who plays Lucifer is too much fun not to watch. Adding Tricia Helfer as his mom will certainly get me to DVR the show.

After Flashpoint draws Supergirl into the fold, can we ditch Iris and have Barry end up with Kara? They have actual chemistry and are fun together.

I would have loved to see them do Harley. :( The rest were so good. ESPECIALLY Katana.

I would’ve preferred the version of Suicide Squad they were prepping on Arrow.

No, we just want both.

Ron Pearlman for Cable or we riot.

Don’t forget General Dodonna* standing there beside Bail in that shot.

Bring them back damn it. Or move them to the movies.

Removing two of the more charismatic actors from the show is truly baffling.

I also had no idea what was normal in a father-daughter relationship.