
For Mr. Walker, it was just the opposite. I think he was rather emotionally stable when he finally found his birth mother (he was 29), but she left her husband (supposedly because he wouldn’t accept Mr. Walker’s intrusion into the family) AND left her two youngest children with her now ex-husband. Mr. Walker thought

I’m sure this will languish in the grays, and it is just anecdotal, but after reading this I couldn’t help but thank how much better my immune system seems to be than that of my three sisters. I lived on a farm with a cow, horses, a mule, chickens, pigs, ducks, and geese until I was about 2. I’m the eldest by 2.5

Wonder Woman was honestly the only good thing about BvS. I hope her movie does the character justice (no pun intended).

I agree that Dunk and Egg just wouldn’t be compelling enough. You could tell their story in a single season.

Perhaps it’s just there to hold his cell phone? :p

Nope...not even on my old burner account. I’ve been posting for at least 5 years.

Are you wondering if El’s catatonic mother, Terry Ives, wasn’t one of the 1-10? I wondered that myself. It would certainly explain her catatonia.

It is like an 8 hour movie, but the nice thing is that you can watch it in little chunks. You don’t have to binge watch. Each episode ends on a decent note and leaves you in a good place to move on to something else and then come back to it whenever you feel like it.

Thanks! Good to know it wasn’t just something lost in the adaptation to television. I look forward to picking up the books.

I haven’t read the books, but thought I followed the storyline pretty well. One of the biggest things I felt was missing is how the protomolecule came to be. Did it already exist somewhere? Is it the result of some sort of experiment? How did it end up on the first space station (can’t think of what it was called)? If

Spayed and neutered, too. Just in case.

They are talking about non-native, invasive species. Not the “natural order” at all since they were all introduced to the island.

I know The Originals was renewed for season 4, but I haven’t heard anything about their plans after the news about TVD ending.

I couldn’t agree with you more! The last thing I want out of this show is Lucifer actually getting together with Chloe. That would absolutely be the end of my enjoyment with the show.

I *HATE* Chloe. They could do away with her completely and somehow pair Lucifer up with Detective Douche and I’d still love the show.

Mikael Mikaelson was never actually killed on TVD. He continued to harass his children in the spin-off series, The Originals.

I love overexplainers. Thank you!

You are not alone. I felt the same way about the movie.

There was some biblical show in the Spring (I only know because my mother was interested in it). It apparently took a lot of liberties with the story and was cancelled after something like 5 episodes. I’m sure some network will give it a try again.