
Jaime isn’t Cersei’s heir, Tyrion is. Jaime gave up any claims to Lannister heirs once he became part of the Kingsguard. That actually makes this all even funnier.

Yes, the Titan of Braavos is the former sigil of House Baelish. Because Petyr is the only living member, the main house heraldry now uses his personal sigil - a black mockingbird on a yellow background.

I looked at it like this...those are highly trained dogs. They don’t go anywhere without their master telling them they can go. However, after being starved for 7 days, they finally left their opened cages out of a sheer desire for food. Even a starving animal can overcome the torture and training that’s been

That’s hilarious! Thanks for making me chuckle. It’s been a fucking awful week here in Orlando.

I don’t know what the WDW Resort does to try to limit alligator populations on property, but I would not be surprised if they didn’t hire some new cast members to regularly round up and hunt gators after this incident.

I read somewhere else that 5 have now been taken from the Seven Seas Lagoon. That’s not really surprising when you consider there are approximately 1.25 million alligators in the state of Florida.

<—-female; thinks everything about the reboot looks horrendous; that opinion has absolutely nothing to do with the gender of the cast

It wasn’t even ceiling fans back in the day in Florida. We had box fans in every room in the house and walls full of jalousie windows. Both, I would assume, are not standard fare in the prison system.

Doesn’t change the fact that he looks like a dog.

I’ve spent my entire life not thinking that was a dragon, too. I always assumed he was some kind of magical dog.

Still can’t get over them giving Elliott fur. It’s like they had all this leftover texture from creating Sully and just felt like using it again.

If baby Sam isn’t a toddler, he looks at least a year old in this gif.

I concur. As odd as it sounds, the Faceless Men taught Arya empathy and compassion. Skills a Stark needs to lead the people of the North.

Ryan was really good in 2015's Secrets and Lies. I could easily see him taking over the role of Anakin except for the fact that he’s only 5'9".

When I was 42 and Mr. Walker was 40, someone thought he was my son. That was an awesome day. Now, 8 years later, he’s finally catching up in age, but it’s mainly because he has gray in his beard and crow’s feet around his eyes.

While I don’t think Florida is the single most beautiful state in the nation, we certainly do have our share of beautiful places. It’s just not as varied as areas that have mountains, cliffsides, and volcanoes.

People have been speculating for a very long time that he is a faceless man and is in fact Jaqen H’ghar.

My husband feels exactly the same. He really doesn’t like the characters and has given up on the show, which is extremely disappointing for me since it’s one of my favorite series of books and I love seeing how they’ve adapted the story to television.

As spoiler-free as I can make my’s less rapey, though there is a rape that occurs on the streets of Paris. It’s just not accompanied by the brutal mind-fuck that went along with Jaime’s rape and it lasted probably less than 10 seconds.

I’d star this a hundred times if I could. That’s an awesome idea!