
“I quit smoking after 20 years finally. I have known alcoholics.”

What are you even talking about with this “but what about the children!” bullshit. Young girls are very aware of their weight and body image. And many celebs also struggle with addiction, so choosing to target a woman for her weight as a “concern” is insincere as fuck. One overweight celebrity is not going to create

You telling someone they are fat is not “a dialogue”. Nice try, though.

I find the idea of anyone fucking him (or Donald Trump) to be disgusting tbh.

He fucked Bob Taft in a barn? kinky....

My gut is its more like Alabamans would rather have a pedophile in the office then a democrat.

No, see here’s the thing. When you have power in a workplace and you “ask to consensually masturbate” someone can’t actually give proper consent because they risk losing their job if they say no.

Just finished reading the NYT article. The three journalists (one of whom also broke the Weinstein story) include quotes, dates, and photographs of the women, who all use their full names.

A trans woman defeating the guy who tried to pass a bathroom bill is the kind of poetic justice we need.

‘merica the beautiful:

calling it a “health cocktail.”

Armalite style rifle: 26 dead

Here’s a fun thought experiment. If the people perpetrating these mass shootings didn’t have access to guns, how many people would they have shot?

Also, something about how Muslims are bad because of how “they” treat “their” women but you know, white guy beating his wife and child is A-OK!

Apparently, Muslims never suffer from mental health issues. When we do something bad, it’s entirely of our own volition. When a white person does something bad, it’s a defect in that otherwise pristine, gorgeous brain of theirs.

Another woman who for years was rumored to be “crazy” and “hard to work with” — perhaps the stress of having to show up at parties and work events with her rapist had something to do with it. Poor girl, and good for her for having the courage to come forward.

I’m a black, disabled, queer woman from the south and I don’t resent a fucking to-the-manor-born journalist one bit. He hasn’t taken a thing from me and, with this gig, has given so very much back to me. Hush.

I think it’s unfair and futile to ask individuals to tamp their ambitions to “make room for someone else”. This is precisely the reason we need systematic change — you can’t simply ask a smart, motivated, passionate, educated person to ‘just not’. They have every right to do what they want to do and this is a

I think you know how offensive that is to uncooked lean pork meatballs.

Now playing

I’m seeing a lot of dislike here for the original movie, but if John Hannah shows up to read a W.H. Auden poem every season, I am 100% on board.