
Well because if richness is a sign of God’s approval/grace/blessing than being super rich is evidence that God really likes/approves/blesses what you are doing. So he can be like “See me and my preaching and my mission? See how rich I am? It’s cause God likes what I’m doing.”

So much this about the Catholic Church. My brother’s funeral was two weeks ago and there was an all volunteer group of women who ran, directed and did most of the prep work for it. The priest came, said a mass (MY DAD TIPPED HIM? YOU TIP A PRIEST? That’s on top of the $ they outright charge) and then the priest peaced

Yay! Did you know there’s a blood test you can get for like $70 online that lets you determine the sex at like 9/10 weeks? I’m def doing that this time. I figure there’s two ways to deal with the fear: lean in or out and I choose in. It won’t hurt any less to lose it if I try and hold myself apart so I’m determined to

Yeah there really is a chock-ton of incest. My friend tried to watch the show and said the incest turned her off from episode 1 and I was like well if you can’t with the incest, this isn’t the show for you. It is a feature, not a bug.

But they’re actors! ACT! I also heard somewhere that before he got with Rose Leslie he dated Emilia for awhile so at one time they were IRL boning. Just.. I don’t know. I also think it was the pacing and the narration. When they just stopped and stared at each other so Bran could deliver a key line and then back to

Maybe she’ll do an about face where she realizes that knightly types are all well and good in theory but the same culture that devalued her for being tall, strong, and a fighter as a woman is the culture that sets up knights as the ideal of manly perfection. Contrast that to Tormund and the Wildling culture that

Yup. My first thought was “I will be jogging to this real soon.” 

Oh my god 4, I cannot imagine. I had the one in December then a full on miscarriage at 3 months in May. I have the strips, I too ovulate late. And at least the strips give me something to do, to feel like I have control.

Oh my god 4, I cannot imagine. I had the one in December then a full on miscarriage at 3 months in May. I have the strips, I too ovulate late. And at least the strips give me something to do, to feel like I have control.

Oh my god autocorrect massacred my response!

What about fostering? My best work fri menAND my boss both foster d and now have adopted siblings. I would if my husband’s work scheduled was reasonable. Apparently if you’re married both have to be certified and he just doesn’t have the time.

We’re looking into adoption too. I was adopted and so was my brother. Families come together in all sorts of ways :)

Yeah modeling healthy relationships is something I’m super aware of after growing up with the opposite. Saying thank you is really important!

It isn’t the most pleasant feeling though is it? Between that and the peel (which itched/burned)... pain truly is beauty.

No problem. So the series was 4. I added on microderm for $20 a session I believe to 3. It’s amazing, add microderm: The total came to like $360. A lot of places will make you a package deal where if you commit and pay for 4 they’ll discount the price. I’d call and check diff places. My dermatologist wanted to do it

Thanks! I have those. I say those cause I have the clear blue monitor and then also got the pink one cause why not. I too got pregnant the first month with the CBFM. And then miscarried. I’m a little scared about being pregnant again. I was so nonchalant with my son, I never imagined things could/would go wrong. Now I

Lol if stress would help me I’d be pregnant. I’m glad it worked for you!

Well I patterned my relationship on avoiding the shit my parents did that led to their divorce after 39 miserable years and so far it’s working out! We’re 10 years into this marriage!

Clean sheets and freshly shaved legs are so perfect. I get in there and just writhe around :)

Okay I too recently got my hair professionally colored for the first time too (and first time ever) and it’s awesome!