
This is where I hope the Davis campaign focuses their ads. He can and will be squirrely as hell about PC culture and all that nonsense but answering tough, pointed factual questions about being a liar and a grifter is harder for him to manage since he has nothing to back up his bullshit with. A lot of people in NC, whe

Pfeffernusse was my favorite too, I asked about them. Apparently there was a “quality issue” with the powdered sugar and It wasn’t powdery enough. The employees got to try a box and said It was almost better because you didn’t end up looking like you’d done a bunch of coke after eating them. Hopefully they’ll be back

They’re mostly baked or frozen. Probably not tons, their latest recall was refrigerated sushi. I don’t see chocolate or cookies having a lot of problems the way sushi and romaine do. 

They don’t have the pfeffernusse this year! They were my hands down favorite holiday product of theirs, I loved the texture. I asked and apparently there was a “quality issue” where the sugar was less powdery than it should be. But according to the woman who I asked, they got to try them and she actually thought the

My husband, who has an advanced degree, called me at the store to ask me if he should bathe our 4 month old who’d had a diaper blowout and was now covered in poop. This is our second child. Plus the answer to the question “should I wash something covered in shit?” is pretty much always a resounding yes. The man

A good friend of ours is a pediatrician and... she cosleeps with her second because she’s super fussy. It’s funny when my son was born in 2013 I did everything “wrong”: I coslept, he slept next to the bed for awhile in a bouncy chair, I bundled him up too much and put him to sleep with a hat on. He’s now a happy,

Fuck yes to the witching hour. He’s growing out of it at 13 almost 14 weeks but we definitely still have random periods of evening crying. Yours is aging out of it but I discovered when freaking out over this babies’ crying early on and I wish someone had told me about purple crying with my

Laughing so hard at “You Will Kill Your Baby Without Constant Vigilance literature”. So damn true. Before I could leave the hospital with little Body in August I had to watch no joke like 1.5 hours of educational programming which pretty much all amounted to exactly that. I swear it’s gotten worse in the past 5 years

Same. Because the spirit ones are eerie but at the end people got away with just having a scary experience. But with real people, you get away due to luck or skill but there are a lot of times people don’t get away at all. They feel way more real and way more dangerous.

The cat making all the noise?

Do you have a pet? I always look to the dog: if they’re okay, I’m okay. Because the stairs thing would freak me out too! 

Same! They’re far more relatable to me, who hasn’t had contact with someone who set their senses on edge or had someone do something scary. My brother and I were chased walking home from school once, looking back it was probably just teens goofing around but I still remember the unease leading to the visceral terror

Crawlspace man freaked me out the most and has me hearing things in my own house now. I made my dog come inside to keep me company/for protection and since she’s currently enjoying a power nap by the heating vent I think we’re fine but boy that one gave me the heebie jeebies. I love scary story season on Jezebel!

I’ve been twice mistaken for my husband’s little sister. Once was while I in the hospital giving birth. The nurse asked me when my husband was going to get here, I pointed to my husband sitting next to my bed and she said “Oh, I thought that was your brother.” 

Congratulations, you sound like a badass! Do you have any advice to starting a career in law later in life? I haven’t practiced in 10 years since I graduated and passed the bar in 2010. I also had two babies and worked two completely different jobs in legally adjacent areas but now want to get back into practicing and

I got asked when interviewing if I was planning to have another baby soon. This was for a non-legal position but the interviewer and I were both attorneys. He laughed and said “I know you can’t ask that anymore but we are looking to fill this position for the long-term.” He did end up offering me a part-time trial

I think that’s why they spiced it up with the BDSM and threesome, to make it naughtier. 

For the ultrasound tech, people are probably nervous and trying to distract themselves. For the tech it’s a day at the office, for the patient it’s likely a new experience fraught with fear and vulnerability so let people make stupid ass jokes if it helps them cope.

This. They are playing to their audience and this sort of bluster and vitriol works for them. 

Is this administration hiring younger people than normal or is it normal for a 27 year old to have been in that role for DHS and now serving as press secretary for the VP? A lot of people in this administration seem young and I’ve assumed a lot of that is that older people don’t want the association.