I have no idea, I just have heard he’s now dating Rose Leslie the actress who played Ygritte.
I have no idea, I just have heard he’s now dating Rose Leslie the actress who played Ygritte.
A wet mop would have chemistry with Drogo cause the man is sex on a stick.
I’m trying to figure out if the lack of chemistry was intentional or just the byproduct of bad acting/no chemistry between the actors?
See I don’t think he has policies. I don’t think he’s political: he wants attention and power. I also don’t think he’s clever enough to think “I’ll distract them with this drama and push my agenda”. He can’t stand not to be the story, the main event, the center of attention and all the actual work of governing is a…
Oh my god, this happened to me as well. A nurse called me back to tell me the tests were great and my baby looked healthy. I knew it wasn’t because I’d literally miscarried in my bathroom at 3 months. I was livid and they gave me the same chart crap. I was like “well then you need to fix that because it’s a glaring…
I am so sorry. I truly am, things like that are just a knife in your heart.
Well it isn’t entirely unreasonable because everyone I know who had the one had another right around 2/3! I want another child and we’ve been trying for a year (shit has not gone well) and watching woman after woman with a kid my son’s age get pregnant and have a baby has been driving me batty!
I had a miscarriage just at a little over 3 months back in May. I had just started to look pregnant and had just told people the week before. So like everyone was rushing to congratulate me (and probably had guessed anyways cause I too am short and small and it was getting noticable) and I had to keep having the “I’m…
He’s a serial exposer!!! I love this theory and choose to adopt it as truth.
Nah dude I went back to work and called up the police investigators I work with in the regular and now it’s an open investigation. Probably not gonna go anywhere but still!
Whelp I’ll just throw this out there: I helped a guy who had broken down outside my house yesterday. I gave him water to pour on his engine and ice water since it was super hot. Then he borrowed my phone “to call a ride” and I later found 3 pictures of an erect penis on it so you know what, I’m done helping people…
I am a huge proponent of tipsy cleaning (which generally progresses to drunk cleaning). While it usually goes great and I rock out to show tunes and do the projects I avoid sober it is not without its perils for sure. Recently I ended up destroying the panel drapes with a vacuum. I forget what the plan was but I end…
Or looks uncannily like her. Like it’s three ivanka lookalikes calling him daddy.
My friend got me a little Japanese statue and it meant the world to me. It’s nice to see a tangible representation of my baby and the loss I suffered. It has really helped me and it made me realize how paltry our culture was dealing with such losses. Especially when so many other women have come forward to share…
Thanks. You too. It is so hard because it makes you distrust your own body. Like I don’t know how I’m going to go through pregnancy again without being utterly terrified. For me the worst was that morning I saw my child on an ultrasound moving around with a heartbeat and everything. I don’t know what happened. It’s so…
Is this an online group? I’m desperately for women to talk to because all the women in my life talk a lot about god and faith going forward and while I sort of envy them that I don’t believe. How’d you find this group?
They really are not talked about. After mine I was shocked by the number of women who came forward to me (and even some men to my husband) and shared their stories of loss. It’s a lot more common than we realize. I think some of this is probably due to people’s desire to move on and especially not freak out pregnant…
I’m pretty sure that at that stage it’s considered a still birth so maybe there’s already one issued?
I just had one at 12 weeks in mid-May and I don’t know how this would make me feel any better or grieve but again, I can only speak for myself. I’m so sorry for you loss. What is helping me move on is time, the love and support of friends and family and hopefully answers soon about what happened. I am just devastated…